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Mormons’ Distaste for Donald Trump Puts Utah Up for Grabs

Oh, a little update on The Choir. Not to be missed is the "How Christian of You" NOT comments.

Pathetic little special snowflake. Perhaps rather then going to kollij she should get some real life experience and understand what real trauma is all about. It sure ain't trauma singing in the choir!


I see by your vernacular you've been getting radicalized...

'Cuck,' 'snowflake,' 'masculinist': A guide to the language of the 'alt-right' - LA Times

Orange, as a catholic and a commie, you must be excited about the recent developments in China. China is allowing the church to exist/operate except the Pope has to stay the fluck out of it. Who does he think he is anyway?

It doesnt get any better than this for someone like you. You can go down to the Central Planning Committee and take communion there. Damn that's gotta be convenient.

You would think that the Chinese would show a little more respect and affinity for the current pope - who is after all an argentine fidelista communist.

Things are looking up for you. Since the political scene is not working out all that well for you, you can turn to religion- maybe even be the Pope of Newark someday.

Catholics in China should integrate into socialist society-senior party official | Reuters
Wait a minute - you aren't quoting from your favorite fake news site, the New York Times? So you had to find another one? My, how your little world has increased in size!


No need to wait, I'm watching the filthy alt-right gobble up the weak minded and underachieving in real time.

You must have someone to blame for your problems, surely they can't be your own fault.