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My First Press Release...check It Out!

I suppose a press release often describes an event such as:

Anthem introduces new plan

Aetna now offering 25% discount to seniors

Chumps From Oxford wins the lottery

An article may be:

Anthem's HSA Plans Explained

Ohio Medical Insurance For the Uninsured

Dealing with Groats Disease

But...It's a blurry line, so I wouldn't lose much sleep over it.
The format is the official difference. :biggrin:

What you wrote is an article, yet you submitted it as a press release. You would possibly get more traction if you submitted it as an article instead.

The common press release format purports to report on an event, circumstance or occurrence by a third party. Here's a template for you for next time.

Contact Person
Company Name
Voice Phone Number
FAX Number
Email Address
Website URL


<City>, <State>, <Date> - The first paragraph. Begin your press release with a two sentence paragraph that provides a quick overview of the news why it is important. It should read easily and make your news sound exciting to a general audience.

Next, provide some background information on the product or service. Make sure to write your release in terms that readers consumers, your target audience, and the general public will understand. Do not use industry terminology, and provide definitions that readers might not know about or understand.

Your text should explain the purpose, target market, and benefits of your product or service, and intrigue the the reader to find out more, visit your website, contact you for more information, recommend your product to a friend, or sell your product to management.

ABOUT <COMPANY> The final paragraph should be a brief description of your company and the products and services it provides. Include a summary of other products and services your provide, and a brief history of the company.

Also include "For more information, contact: " as the last sentence.

- END -

What's the official difference between an article and a press release?

Thanks, Rob! Great info ;)

Any ideas where I can submit it as an article as opposed to a press release? I was submitting it to all the free press release pages I could find...

Thanks in advance!