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My Health Insurance Plan of Attack.


New Member
These are follow up questions to my original post made here:

My priorities are
1) quality medical insurance
2) coverage for pre-existing conditions (eye problems)

Quality coverage for pre-existing conditions is more important to me than price.

So here is my plan of attack:

I have a appointment to see to ophthalmologist soon. I will insist that a diagnosis is given for my eye problems. From there I will know whether or not the cause of my eye problems will cause me to automatically be declined for individual health insurance.

Assuming, my weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol are within insurable guidelines; then I will apply for individual health insurance

The last time my weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol was checked by a primary care doctor was last August 2009.

I presume that I will have to give the health insurance company permission to view my medical records during the underwriting process?

I also assume that a database is kept about people who apply for health insurance, whether the applicant was accepted or declined, and the reason for the decline?

I also understand that I would probably be a automatic decline based on weight, blood pressure, and cholesterol from that doctors visit last August.

Although, I have lost a lot of weight since that doctors visit I am not sure what my cholesterol levels are or what my accurate blood pressure.

I assume that at some point before applying for health insurance, I would have to have a doctor re-measure my weight, blood, pressure and cholesterol to certify I am insurable?

Would it be better to get my blood pressure and cholesterol checked anonymously, out side the medical field, to make sure they both fall within insurable guidelines before I have the doctor do it?

My concern, is if I have the doctor check my blood pressure and cholesterol and they are outside insurable guidelines; then there will be an "official record" of my un-insurability. Would this red flag me with all health insurance companies? Thus making it more difficult or impossible to get health insurance in the future even if I get my blood pressure and cholesterol are within insurable guidelines?

I have several jobs applications lined up that offer group health benefits. If I get the any of those jobs then problems solved

Some of those jobs don't offer health insurance until after six months of work.

Would it be a good idea to get a short term policy to cover me for those six months until the group plan kicks in? I know they do not cover pre-existing conditions, however it is better nothing just incase I get into a accident.

Self employed person group health insurance.

Start my own business, like I always intended to do, then apply for group of one health insurance in Florida

To clarify these are the basic rules:
1) The open enrollment period is August
2) You must have prior existing credible health insurance coverage for at least 63 days ,prior to applications, to get pre-existing conditions covered or wait a 12 month exclusion.

Who decides what qualifies as "prior existing credible health insurance coverage"?

Would a short term policy, or mini med policy qualify?

Also, are there any requirements that a business be operating for a certain amount of time before applying for a group of one health insurance policy? If yes then how much time, 1 year?

Lastly, can a professional employment organization play a role?

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