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National Marketing Data

Another option some folks do is use stateside and/or overseas telemarketers to do mass marketing. A friend of mine has about a dozen filipinos dialing for him and I've had mixed success using them, but the price is killer. You could probably get someone stateside using a predictive dialer for around $0.40-$0.45/call if you wanted to do it legally, but that's *MUCH* more expensive. On the plus side, the response rates are usually higher and you have more control over what's going on as well as the ability to get more involved feedback and the ability to make adjustments interactively.
BAD ADVICE!!! Over seas telemarketers....re you kidding me?

Insurance is financially related and over seas calling for financially related products is a HORRIBLE idea!! If you are going to hire a TM do it domestically. Pay a little more per agent but you get what you pay for. These days you can hire American reps to work from home with dialers services such as Magnalogix - Your Hosted Predictive Dialer and Virtual Call Center software solution!
and you have no office space to cover, just your reps output in most cases and the monthly dialer / data cost which is less than $265 monthly.

My advice, form over 8 yrs in call center industry, NEVER EVER use over seas TMs for anything financial... sure its cheap, but the time wasted is expensive!!

Another option some folks do is use stateside and/or overseas telemarketers to do mass marketing. A friend of mine has about a dozen filipinos dialing for him and I've had mixed success using them, but the price is killer. You could probably get someone stateside using a predictive dialer for around $0.40-$0.45/call if you wanted to do it legally, but that's *MUCH* more expensive. On the plus side, the response rates are usually higher and you have more control over what's going on as well as the ability to get more involved feedback and the ability to make adjustments interactively.
While I can appreciate the energy with which you're disagreeing, I have an agent that wrote $7k in FE business in one week from leads overseas telemarketers generated for him. Somehow he didn't think it was a horrible idea.
The energy comes from marketing vendors giving horrible advice on open forums. Hundreds of real people with real families with real lives read this, when you post bad advice like that, it sticks and could potentially hurt people's business and in some cases force them out of the industry over a blown budget if they are hurting before hand.

Saying over seas TMs is a good product to use for financials, is like me saying.... "Hey, little Johnny made it across the busy freeway safely, you should all try it!!" Most anyone in business that understands tele marketing will tell you the same thing. Over seas are best used for CS or inbound order taking if anything.

In the TM world we are already bound by limitations of DNC, consumer confidence being in the toilet, obamacare, industry saturation since the DNC list is small and the market place, etc.... there is NO need at all to make life harder by adding language barriers when it comes your marketing....it just doesn't work for the masses!

While I can appreciate the energy with which you're disagreeing, I have an agent that wrote $7k in FE business in one week from leads overseas telemarketers generated for him. Somehow he didn't think it was a horrible idea.
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As usual, you are painting with a broad brush. Overseas telemarketers can work just as well as stateside telemarketers; the key to hiring any telemarketer is finding the right people. There are plenty of people outside of this country that can do a great job telemarketing and you are lumping them all in the same basket. I think that's awfully naive.
I'm not for sending business oversees which could be done here in the states unless the cost is substantial.
I'm not for sending business oversees which could be done here in the states unless the cost is substantial.

To go off on a slight tangent, we should buy american if we really want to keep our money here.

Back to the issue at hand:

You can get a stateside telemarketer for $10-$15/hr to work for you independently and they may or may not stick around/show up on time/etc.

For $5-$8/hr you can get an overseas telemarketer that speaks great English, can even pick up on subtleties and jokes, and consistently show up on time.

For $2/hr or less you can get an overseas telemarketer that can choke through English and that's usually the type of telemarketer you get when you pay a firm $10/hr or so for overseas telemarketers.

I live in a pretty diverse area, so calling here a $5-$8/hr overseas telemarketer is their neighbor for all they know. Other areas, it's a huge problem.
Cost is cheaper over seas no doubt, but so is the quality.

While I fully admit some ome places are a little better than the next in that outsource world, but inevitably no matter where you go, its still not the same as a domestic rep in terms of quality and production.

An American rep will yield you better results granted you don't hire a jerk off, nice thing with doing it here is you can interview face to face and weed through them to find a good one. I know over the years I have weeded through hundreds to get my solid crew...but the quality they generate will never be touched by an over seas caller....never!

I'm not for sending business oversees which could be done here in the states unless the cost is substantial.
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Naive? You are wrong sir! I have visited several over seas centers, in fact we supply many of the ones in the PHilipines and India with their data.....so trust me I know the business of outsourcing better than most and it simply doesn't work as good as you are putting on, not even close!

They are cheaper, and in some areas they different in terms of the actual language barrier, ill give you that....but in no way is over seas callers equal to or better then domesticcallers when it comes to dialing in the financial world.

Outsourcing can work great for IT, CS, and or inbound centers....but again, not so much when it comes to outbound sales in financial world.

As usual, you are painting with a broad brush. Overseas telemarketers can work just as well as stateside telemarketers;

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I found a better deal:

I edited a post due to a spelling error and to clarify a price. My 2.5 cents price point does NOT have to include print.

The post below was apparently a typo.

I am currently running at $40 per 1,000 in case you need any more data. Also, if I am also doing your print I can go as low as $20-30 per 1,000 (on the data side) depending on your volume. If anyone is interested in counts for their area and a price break down for that count (with and with out print) let me know