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Navigators Caught on Video Telling People to Lie

Well, it's amazing what you can get away with when the liability doesn't fall on you...

Not like a broker, where we have to carry E&O, and face lawsuits for our bad advice.
Fascinating . . .

Unbelievable!!! Those navigators sound to ignorant to be able to navigate on the internet, let alone give advise! Obama lies every time he opens his mouth and now he's training his people to lie...although lying might be one of the requirements to getting the job. He's hiring people that don't qualify because of their background and that aren't trained...I'm sure many couldn't pass a test!:mad:
From everything I have read companies can still rescind coverage if the insured lied on the app in order to deceive the insurer.... the government is risking major lawsuits if it happens because a government employed navigator told a person to lie... think lung cancer caused by smoking...
Even worse:

I got denied for lying, now OEP is gone, and I can't afford treatment, so now I'm dead.

My wife/kids are suing. How much is my wrongful death worth?

(Of course, there must be something in those pages of "terms and agreements" that indemnifies them of any wrongdoing.)
Just watched the last 5 minutes of Kudlow report. Project Veritas prez was on it, and he has many more tapes that they will be leaking out over the coming weeks to prove it's not an isolated event, and it's all in an effort to influence voting in key states.