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Need a Volunteer - Let Me Take You To The Top of Google

Thanks for the suggestion Josh.

I did shoot Bryan a PM several hours ago since it sounds like a great opportunity.

Though I don't fit all the criteria perfectly (I've been licensed for many years), I haven't devoted full effort to selling insurance as I've worked many years as a Travel Agent as well. Moving back to the Panhandle of Florida recently, I'm finding myself re-energized toward maximizing my 2nd career (was career Army) toward selling many lines of insurance.
Bryan, I fit the mold of what you're looking for... Please send me an email and I will tell you all about me... I am new to internet marketing and don't know where to [email protected]
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I can't send PM yet due to lack of posts... This is another towards 20!

I didn't realize I couldn't PM either yet. :P
I'll send you an email shortly.

Thank you to all of you who have PM'd me. I can't reply unfortunately so if you can shoot me another PM with your email address I'll get back to you. Alternatively, you can send me an email:

bryan @ insurancemarketingpro.com

Please do let me know your market and where you stand with each of the ideal candidate items. I realize there probably won't be anyone that meets them all.

In order to do this I need to find a new(ish) agent that fits the following criteria:
No real search engine exposure currently
Captive or Ind (either is OK)
Ideal candidate sells P&C, Life, Health and financial products
Can have a website but I will be building a new one from scratch
Preferrably little to no use of Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+ currently
Preferrably no Google+ Local or Google Local Pages Listing
Preferrably in a market 80k to 1M+

Bryan...Are you Insurance Lead Services? Just curious. If so, nice idea.
Yep, Thanks. I've been getting a lot of questions about lead generation lately so that was another stimulus for this. That said, I'll be happy to work with whoever is chosen on the side with working paid lead efforts if that is of interest. I realize this is a very love/hate topic but there are lots of opportunities with the right methods and diligent effort testing and recording results.

Diversity is good and right now Local SEO is the low hanging fruit.
The course will be laid out so you can

1) Do it all yourself
2) Give to someone in the office or an outsourced VA and have them go step by step
3) Know what you need before hiring an internet marketer. They are a dime a dozen and it is hard to know who is good. Trusting someone to do it right could leave you with a major Google penalty or banned all together.

I will second Sam's endorsement.

Bryan Gray knows what he is doing & yes he is Insurance Lead Services.

I've known Bryan for quite a few years & I'm thinking this is a very good opportunity for an agent too!

I really appreciate the kind words Bob. Thank you. :)

Would it be possible for Forum members to follow along and watch the progress of the website from Day 1?

That is the idea. The format of the course will be video and I will be recording everything from day 1. That said, this is going to take every spare moment I have for the next 2-3 months to roll out so it will be a paid course. I'll open a few review copies and have a discount for forum members when I get closer to launch.
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I want to jump in here to let everyone know that I have found an agent to work with and am getting started now.

I sincerely appreciate each and every one of you that replied to this offer. A lot of really good folks on this board and I wish I had the availability to work with every single one of you.

Everyone that replied to this offer will receive full early bird access to the course as my appreciation for your time.

I've got a few months of work putting everything together but the final product will be at InsuranceMarketingPro.com.

I've got a list set up there for anyone that would like updates. I will offer early bird pricing to that list and as a Thank You to Sam for allowing me to post this I will be giving free access to 10 members of Insurance-Forums when the course opens.

If you are interested just send me a PM or reply here and I'll put the names in a list an let Random.org decide who gets the free passes.

Thank You!

I want to personally thank Bryan for his advice and wisdom and look forward to his course with great anticipation. I know he'll bring incredible value to this Forum.
Just got a notification of a reply on this thread.
Man, I really dropped the ball on this one.

I've told you this already but I apologize again. You vouched for me and I totally let you and everyone else down.

This course was designed to be an over the shoulder case study recorded step by step from scratch. That is exactly what I did over the course of 4 months.

In the end the agency I worked with went from no Google exposure to #1-3 in all organic searches for their product line key words and eventually the same in local/map results.

The problem that I ran into was the timing. Google made more changes in local search than they ever have shortly after I started recording. They transitioned from Google Places to Google+ which was full of snags and delays. That and local/map rankings froze for many markets for 6+ months.

When the rankings finally starting moving again my case study went to the top spot of local results.

This was almost 7 months after I started recording and so much had changed my content and instruction was very dated. Live and learn.

The core strategy was very sound and to this day all rankings are still in tact despite no additional effort from the agency.

I'm going to work up a checklist style template of the most important tasks I did and still do to get results. I'll post it for free along with the details of the case study for anyone interested.

Again, I sincerely apologize for my lack of follow up on this thread. Completely inexcusable on my part.

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Google made more changes in local search than they ever have shortly after I started recording. They transitioned from Google Places to Google+ which was full of snags and delays. That and local/map rankings froze for many markets for 6+ months.

I'll second that. Google is continually making significant tweaks to their algorithm and if you rely on specific tactics to get ranking, eventually you will find your website traffic disappear overnight at some point. Certainly not what you want to build a stable business around. Reminds me of this video I did 3 1/2 years ago on why it's important to have a diversified strategy for website traffic:


More and more, I'm seeing clients of ours get the most success when they focus on social media as their primary online marketing channel.
Good points and I agree.

My dated issues were more related to Google specific activities for their Places/Google+ profiles. Reading the Google product forums for some sort of direction during this time was nothing short of maddening. Clearly things did not go as planned on their side.

Regardless, genuine signals are the only way to operate long term. Many fall into the common sense category. Others are just good marketing associated with diversified marketing efforts.

..but there are still lots of pitfalls to watch out for with search. Nuances most wouldn't think twice about that can have a negative impact regardless of even the best intentions.

Things like a proper and clean NAP profile, fully completed authority profiles, onboarding for client reviews, how to ask for reviews, accurate map locations, removing inaccurate aggregated reviews, link velocity, review velocity, associating tracking phone numbers, etc., etc.