need your opinion


New Member
Hello Guys,

I have a client that is schedule to take a paramed exam for a life insurance policy. After scheduling the exam, He informed me that he used esctacy over the weekend.Im sure he would be declined if his urine or blood test comes back showing drugs in his system. I have a few questions.
1. What should I do?
2.should i reschedule the exam?
3. will the drug show up on his blood or urine test.
This is only his 2nd time taking the drug so hes not a user.
Any information will be greatly appreciated
Hello Guys,

I have a client that is schedule to take a paramed exam for a life insurance policy. After scheduling the exam, He informed me that he used esctacy over the weekend.Im sure he would be declined if his urine or blood test comes back showing drugs in his system. I have a few questions.
1. What should I do?
2.should i reschedule the exam?
3. will the drug show up on his blood or urine test.
This is only his 2nd time taking the drug so hes not a user.
Any information will be greatly appreciated

Sounds like you are heading into a great relationship with our good friend from PPL. By the way, don't forget to keep your E & O current.
I have no idea what will show up, but I also doubt it is his second try as well.

Advise? distance a bit. If he wants to reschedule fine, if you want to, not so fine. Dabbling too much with a potential insured by an agent is a way to get your ears boxxed by an insurance company. And they got more laywers than you. If he gets turned down, he gets turned down.

I can just see him blaming you for his drug use. Let it sort itself out a bit. If the carrier decides to say no, try and find him something else. There's
I think I've seen applications that ask the agent if you know of any reason why the applicant may not be a suitable risk. Would you, as his agent, mention the drug use? I'd have to. I won't risk my relationship with my carriers/underwriters by not mentioning it.
I've got to agree with David C here. As in agent, you have a responsibility to the client and the company you represent. IMO, this is the same as trying to conceal a medical condition from the company.
Thanks for all the reply... I would take all your opinion into consideration, but you guys are right. I dont want to jeopordize my career for someone I dont know.
I really wouldn't think that the Health Screen is checking for drug usage? Maybe but really not sure, yet that is mute since he fest up to you, you have no choice but too inform the company, which now will lead to his rejection and have it in his MIB which means all carriers will know. Best to pull the application and send him his walking papers.