Never sell IULs to one of these two types of clients

You guys are just hateful bullies and like a passive agressive gang. This fine gentleman came here to drop some fact bombs to those of us needing some tough love as we have gotten used to the fix of commissions from cheating people out of their money.

Thank you PenisLord,

If you guys hadn't attacked PenisLord, then PenisLord wouldn't have become triggered like the boy in the photo...

Not exactly sure what that says about your past word history!
history of kidney stones, likely had used that anatomy term during my tele-med appointment with my urologist. that word likely was used more than the name of a city, but you have to admit, they do sound similar.

Or----this could all be a run on joke trying to mess with the OP that preemptively attacked all of us that they are accusing of attacking him...………………….lol

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