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New Agent Seeking Knowledge


I am a new agent looking to become an independent health insurance agent in Florida. My interest in this industry is due to the existing clients that I already have. My clients are all lower income and reside all over the country. I own a tax office, so i believe it would be fairly easy to get them interested in purchasing health insurance on the Marketplace. I have been searching this forum on the best way to go about it, but I am having a difficult time. Basically, I am trying to sell insurance plans from the federal marketplace. I'd like to know if there is a company or group that already has relationships with multiple marketplace insurance companies or would I have to go to each insurance company listed directly?

If anyone can help or point me in the right direction, it would be greatly appreciated!
Depends on how you want to do it. The best way is to contract with the companies directly.. research the areas you want to target and contract with a few companies in those areas.
You may find the poor are not good clients unless they qualify for almost free.
Thank you all for the help. I think I am going to try to get myself appointed directly with the carriers. I do realize that lower income individuals isn't the best target market, but it works well with my existing business. Majority of my existing clients are lower income and would qualify for substantial subsidies. The only issue i may have, is that i have existing florida clients as well as clients all over the united states. I also have the ability to directly market to lower income individuals across the country.

Would you all recommend that I go get a non-resident license and appointments in every state or is their an easier way to do this?

Thank you again for your knowledge and expertise!
Thank you all for the help. I think I am going to try to get myself appointed directly with the carriers. I do realize that lower income individuals isn't the best target market, but it works well with my existing business. Majority of my existing clients are lower income and would qualify for substantial subsidies. The only issue i may have, is that i have existing florida clients as well as clients all over the united states. I also have the ability to directly market to lower income individuals across the country.

Would you all recommend that I go get a non-resident license and appointments in every state or is their an easier way to do this?

Thank you again for your knowledge and expertise!

You ask such rudimentary questions it's obvious you really don't have a handle on this business.

Most of the agents who post on this forum have many years of experience and have already spent hundreds and hundreds of hours learning about ACA and how to work as a broker. It hasn't been easy for us and it shouldn't be easy for a newbie either, you need to put some sweat equity into the effort and be willing to share information that might be helpful for others, this isn't a one way street.

If you can't take the time to search this forum and spend enough time to learn the basics I doubt anyone is going to provide any specific help for you, I know I won't.
Google my new book ..........it's called "How to become an Obamacare Expert in every state, and every carrier in under 36 minutes"

Or, you could just buy "focus on Florida Obamacare" book and learn in within 14 minutes.

Or my other book "10 client minimum to be worth non resident licensing"

And for agents looking for additional revenue in doing taxes, buy my book "Learn how to do taxes in under 10 minutes"