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New Agent, Simple Call Script

If you're peddling policies, then that works. It's simple and effective.

If you're selling strategies, results, and benefits of working with you in a professional capacity, you need to be a little more inventive.

Not all insurance is built the same, and not all insurance agents do the same things with their clients.
DHK how do you do this...

"For families, I help them to eliminate their debts, save for college educations for their kids, get the life insurance they need to protect their families, pay off their homes 5 to 10 years early, and save for the retirement they've always wanted... all without changing your current lifestyle or taking additional money out of your budget."
"all without changing your current lifestyle or taking additional money out of your budget."

it might be a stretch, but you gotta find people who have low deductibles, maxing out retirement contributions, or are losing interest in other accounts when they have nest eggs somewhere else they could use to pay off their debt. If they don't have those or aren't willing to take on more risk (deductibles etc.) then that statement might not be true...
That's very true... and that's also why you need to work with a minimum income amount and people who are dedicated to long-term savings goals.

In California, I'm looking for at LEAST a $50,000 annual household income, although I will meet with just about anybody. (Hey, John Savage did it... and my production isn't better than his was... yet.)

If you're working with people who could qualify for a Chapter 7 bankruptcy with the means test... then the only thing I could ethically recommend is a term life product with a disability income rider that they could easily afford.
Dude has set you up to fail in an effort to save his agency. State Farm is probably breathing down his neck about life production and he is hoping you are going to save him. Unfortunately that is not going to be the case as is. Quite frankly you need a P&C license or you need to move on. Sell home and auto to English speaking clients AND then try to get their life policy.

So true!! I know a SF Agent who tried to screw over his top producer because he was stressed out. He moved from N Florida to South Florida and apparently felt like Mama Mutual screwed him. When the producer quit, he messed up his 6 (forget how) but it was a hassle. SF Agent tried to mess him up so bad he would lose his 6. Sad sad sad... Just wicked!
I like that you don't jump right into to a sales pitch, the conversational method is definitely the way to go but maybe try to add some type of "hook". Something relevant to your customer base in your area that might draw them in. What's the biggest downside/struggle with life insurance customers in your area, maybe start there to find potential talking points
Nope. No hook. A hook "weakens" your positioning.

Either they are serious about improving their financial situation... or they're not.

If I have to "hook" (or bribe) them for a meeting, they're not serious enough.

A "hook" can be good... if you aren't crystal clear about who you are and the value you can bring. Or if you're only selling policies instead of assisting with all aspects of a client's life.

But if you are clear, you let the benefits and results of the proposed relationship be the hook and reason to get together. If they're not serious... NEXT!


Just saw your other posts. You're obviously a P&C guy.

For P&C, I have never sold it, so I won't discount the use of a "hook" or giveaway.