New Career Advice


Super Genius
100+ Post Club
I'm 46 and have been in sales my whole life. The majority of my time being in mortgages. I still do mortgages, but most of my time is now being spent getting this career going for the last 6 months. I'm buying only mortgage protection leafs and while not all qualify for the mortgage protection, I have some FE deals sprinkled in here and there and have sold an annuity off the mortgage protection leads as well. I'm on pace based on my last 6 months to make around $60,000 in first year income. I had a friend recruit me and as I'm finding out nKe through reading this forum my commission level is well below what I can get elsewhere. I'm current at 75% commission level for FE and simplified issue mortgage protection. On fully underwritten deals in at 50%. Looking for some advice if you were in my shoes at this stage of the game.
How much are you spending on leads a month? Obviously if you're making 75% and spending full price on leads a month you'd be a full not to leave.
Unless there is something else you're not telling us, you're getting hosed on your comp levels.


Ask your "friend" how much their override is.
Sorry for the duplicate thread guys ... I was trying to post earlier and it kept giving me an error message ... Now it looks like it posted both times ... My bad ---------- Spending about $1200 per month
How much are you spending on leads a month? Obviously if you're making 75% and spending full price on leads a month you'd be a full not to leave.
---------- Im with an IMO that pressures you to build...I'd rather not say what IMO ... He's at 85% ... He makes a 10% override
Unless there is something else you're not telling us, you're getting hosed on your comp levels. ---------- Ask your "friend" how much their override is.