New Financial Board being started


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Financial Planning Forum • Index page

A new board has started, more on the financial side of the business, a shootoff from the financial planning boards that has been going downhill for a while now! Some excellent people over there, give them a big shout people! Should make for yet another great asset!
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Just signed up. I hope they can help me with all my zero premium financing cases and determining whether or not I should join NAA. D'ya think?
I'll wait for the board to mature a bit. Right now, it's got nothing that would make me think it will be around for any length of time. Let's see, 3 members, just not a warm and fuzzy.

I'll wait for the board to mature a bit. Right now, it's got nothing that would make me think it will be around for any length of time. Let's see, 3 members, just not a warm and fuzzy.


Well, those are three solid members!:D Listen, we need a lot more forums, decent ones and what has happen to FP'ing forum and RR forums just doesn't make them worth visiting any more. Hope you give it a chance, I would think with John and others actively participating would make it a worthy endeavor. Listen, I may disagree with John O but, he knows his stuff on the technical side of financial planning, including the usage of insurance within the financial aspect!

Plus, Financial Planning Forum is suppose to be coming out with a new forum. Haven't seen it yet though, maybe it is now out but, I haven't heard that they finally made the switch.

Ps, plus there is more then just three members! It is now up to 28 since I register, gee spectacular growth since my registering? Wonder if there is a connection?:D jk'ing! I'm thinking we should embrace new forums and be all inclusive not exclusive!

Ps ps, Can't we just get along!:D:D:D:D:D
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James and Dan,

Thank for the post and we have about 30 members, and most of them are very solid. We have only been on line for a few weeks, but we are here to stay. We are also building a few new things for our members. It takes time to start something new. It also takes time to grow. Thank you for coming and have a great day.

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Good luck with the site! I highly recommend moving to vbulletin. We started off on PHP and it took a few months before I realized why VB was much better. The longer you wait, the more it costs to change.