New Missouri Agent


New Member
Hey guys were new in the P and C business and just wanted to say hello to everyone. Were looking foward to sharing a lot of information with people and getting a lot of our questions answered.
Thanks for the heads up Senior. I believe our new member from Missouri, meant to say, "we're new in the P&C Business, and we're looking forward."
I'm curious. I just took the Missouri Health/Life/Accident Exam. I must say there were several questions that I've been unable to find in any study material.

What is your opinion of it ? (The exam) ?

Are the practice exams/ exam simulators really helpful or are they a "dumbing down" of the exam ?

I did very well on the simulators, but did not pass the state exam.

Any thoughts or ideas on how best to prepare ? It seems the wording on the state exam is ambiguous in parts/

Thoughts ?
I'm curious. I just took the Missouri Health/Life/Accident Exam. I must say there were several questions that I've been unable to find in any study material.

Are the practice exams/ exam simulators really helpful or are they a "dumbing down" of the exam ?

I did very well on the simulators, but did not pass the state exam.

Any thoughts or ideas on how best to prepare ? It seems the wording on the state exam is ambiguous in parts/

Thoughts ?

First off..welcome. Its been 4 years since I took the test but I can tell you this....dont be discouraged about not passing it the first time. Most dont.

The test is certainly very deceptive in the manner it asks questions. I had NO luck at all with study guides or practice tests. Thats not to say they arent good. I just read the book over and over and over and over. Did the ole' college thing where ya make flash cards of the BS that makes no sense. You'll find that if you fail it again your missing questions under the same category. Go back and look at your score sheet and see where you scored low. Then study like mad on those topics. Thats how I did. Good Luck!