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New zero premium life insurance policy/life settlements

Posted by Insurancechick:

"Nor will any of you be allowed into my agency even if you wanted to." Translation: I'm going to take my toys and go home!

"and now I will be training them all over the next 2 weeks and rolling this product out VERY soon!" What kind of agents would require two weeks of training to "give away" a life policy with 5 health questions. We have been told that it is so easy "that even a caveman can do it". One has to wonder what kind of agents are contracting to do this?

"And as to your comment about not offering concrete, valuable information - that's all I did from the beginning -" Apparently I missed the name of the company, the name of the investor, the actual release date. Did anyone else get it or am I the only one who missed it?

"Trying to argue with you is like trying to teach calculus to a 3-year old. You just don't get it (and won't get it)." What you are missing is, I'm not trying to argue with you, you are the one who is doing that with everyone. I'm just trying to get accurate, factual information.

Posted by Angwagner:

"you are so right... I have been lying all the time... I am trying very hard to convince you handful of regular posters that you should GIVE Ali $10!!!!!! I figure $50 more bucks in Miracle's pocket." Does that say what I think it does?

"I TOLD EVERYTHING" Again, I must have missed all the factual information about the company etc.

"The reason that woman are the only ones posting over and over again is (and if you are married you know)" I'm not sure what I'm suppose to know just because I'm married. Apparently you are very different from my wife. She is an independent, intelligent, well educated lady who is an executive for the company she works for and never finds the need to say things over and over and over again. Once is generally sufficient.

"WOMEN WILL BEAT A DEAD HORSE OVER AND OVER AND OVER AGAIN" I have never seen her beat a horse or anything else, alive or dead. I did see her kick a fence post once. Does that count?

"TO HAVE THE LAST WORD OR AT LEAST BE LISTENED TO." My wife is very knowledgeable about what she does and she doesn't need to "have the last word" (whatever that means). When she speaks she only states what she knows are the facts and people who she works with listen the first time. What is this "last word" thing you are talking about? Sounds pretty childish to me.

So, please don't lump my wife in this "group of women" who claim that no one listens to them and they have to be obnoxious to be heard.

"You are right, my husband does not post on here... doesn't even know what I have posted or he would be VERY upset with me." Wow! I would never presume to do that with anyone in Jacqueline's profession nor would she ever attempt to speak for me. That ain't right!
I seem to be having a bad week here... this is 69 pages of people telling people that if you have signed up you are unethical. Dave just posted that if he found out his MGA signed up he would find a new one... that was directed at my post that my husband is an MGA.

It was not directed at you husband. I have never heard of you, him or his Agency. I work with over 12 GAs all the time and here are a couple I do know that I am sure are a bit more well-known than your husband, Benefitmall, Dickerson, Warner Pacific, Brokers Alliance. I also use David Schumer from time to time for high risk underwriting US Financial.

If Warner, Brokers or the others tried to get me to contract with them for a fee to sell some as yet unknown product, I would switch to Rogers or another GA. Simple. Of course Broker, Warner, Dickerson, Bmall, Schumer and the others don't do that.
Hey Frank, All the talk about horses reminded me of your wife's ass. :D

I think you guys are attacking the wrong person. angwagnor hasn't done anything to deserve what the others do. Insurancechick should just leave like she said she would b4. She is childish and gullible. We well never see her again after the facts anyway, or pat or dallas.

I can't believe you girls put up such a fight for this when there are absolutely NO FACTS! Get a life....and health License. Do you even have one?

Oh yeah I just got off the phone again and my niece said she heard ronald Mcdonald and Chucky cheese were the investors:D
As an act of chivalry (which is presumed to be dead), I feel obliged to come to the defense of angwagner1974. I for one did not find her postings to be offensive with the exception of the spats with some of the guys posting comments about her here. IMHO I believed that she just stated actual information and did not appear to be recruiting. She simply stated that her husband met with Ali and paid his $10 and has warned his agents not to do anything until the information is revealed. I do not see any harm in that since her hubby is not attempting to sell the stuff and apparently is not recruiting at this time. As to the other ladies, particularly insurancechick, I cannot in good faith defend them because they seem to be fanning the fires of doubt about this great "secret product" by withholding anything factual and raising spurious arguments about the need for secrecy.:skeptical:
adjective1. naive and easily deceived or tricked; "at that early age she had been gullible and in love" [syn: fleeceable] 2. easily tricked because of being too trusting; "gullible tourists taken in by the shell game"

3. NEW ENTRY. Paying $10 for the opportunity to sell a product so top secret that no one is allowed to divulge any information.

WordNet® 3.0, © 2006 by Princeton University.
John, I am glad to see that DOJ and TXDOI appear to have taken an interest in this thread. I feel that the SEC should be apprised of the situation inasmuch there is a strong possibility of "insider trading" according to the insiders. That violation would fall within the jurisdiction of the SEC.:skeptical:
you are right... my husband is not that well known... only to his agents... he is not a massive FMO, he is not trying to be. I honestly do not blame you for not signing up and if someone forced me, I would think twice too.

On this board today, I have been called unethical, stupid, gullible, weak, lacking independence... been accused of things that I never even did... I mean a real loser to society. I am still trying to figure out what i did... I am so sorry to all of you... I do not know and I am absolutely flustered.

I do not want to be taken wrong anymore... i am not any of those things

I think you are taking criticism of the product or package or whatever term you want to use, personally. I don't think you are any of those things, and I am sure most if not all here would agree. It just comes across like you are defending this thing even though you don't know anymore than anyone else here about the details.