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New zero premium life insurance policy/life settlements

that's one way not to answer the questions. in their defense, they do keep getting the same questions over and over, but it is pretty annoying to have it delayed over and over again. it isn't the fault of these guys putting the call together. it is ali and the companies involved who are delaying for whatever reason. i'm officially taking 2 weeks off from it all and i'll be back on the flip side... (unless of course new information surfaces in the interim, which I'm not holding my breath for).
The con they're trying to rattle off is this product is already been around and is not "new" which is why when you call the DOI they'll say that they have no knowledge of it. Nice try - pure bullshit. I spoke to someone yesterday who said it's a UL policy from a major A rate carrier and it doesn't need DOI approval since it already exists. The only change is that the investors are paying the premium. That's how they're trying to explain away the DOI warnings. They keep on saying "this is not a new product."

Well whatta think Scott - it's already approved in TX!
NOW THAT IS BS.....no questions from the peanut gallery.....going to a 24 hr. BS shill recording ......then private conference calls sent by email to only people that have signed up.........and for $10.....I can MAKE $10,000 A WEEK.........
Darryl's phone number is 706/795-3163 for anyone who wants to call him. If anyone gets any new info, please share with the group.

that's one way not to answer the questions. in their defense, they do keep getting the same questions over and over, but it is pretty annoying to have it delayed over and over again. it isn't the fault of these guys putting the call together. it is ali and the companies involved who are delaying for whatever reason. i'm officially taking 2 weeks off from it all and i'll be back on the flip side... (unless of course new information surfaces in the interim, which I'm not holding my breath for).

This could be the world's most perfect con:

1) They cannot get into any trouble with any DOI since there's no product. Nothing's being sold - all they're doing is having reps sign up with their agency. If the DOI contacts Miracle all they say is "we're putting this together and you'll get the info when it's ready."

2) Everyone signs that the $10 is not refundable. So if they do indeed get 100,000 agents and two months later say "sorry, this all went south" they do indeed legititimately walk with 1 mill - and no one can touch them.

Hey, if I'm wrong about something I'll post it - with a full apology. But this is the way this plays out:

*Massive recruting efforts and they constantly announce that "we're getting close."

*Stall from one month to the next until finally someone says "sorry guys, the investors pulled out."

If anyone wants to start a pool I'm in for $20 that it's July 1st when they finally announce "sorry everyone."
If you think 10K a week is laughable, think about these numbers. If you have 1,200 agents under you, you are at a $50 override, not 25 anymore. If 1,200 agents write 5 a day, that's 6,000 apps a day, for $300,000 A DAY.

Where's Dr. Evil now? I really need a picture! $1.5 million a week!
100,000 agents @ $10 = $1,000,000 PLUS INTEREST since it most surely is invested somewhere.
It's a good con but I could have made it much better:

1) $30 sign-up fee and announce that only the 1st 10,000 agents who sign up are in the program - then it closes. However, only you know how many have signed up - so you just collect forever.

2) Annouce that it's months away right off the bat. Then you can collect fees for months without anyone getting pissed.

3) State upfront that nothing has been filed with the DOI yet - but will after the investor and insurance company have confirmation that they have 10,000 agents to sell it. State that for obvious reasons the investors won't commit until they see a certain number of agents who are onboard.

4) Sign up recruiters for a $100 fee. Then give the recuriter $10 flat for each agent they bring in. Each agent pays you $30, then you cut an immediate check for $10 to the recruiter. Now people are going NUTS recruiting people since if you get 500 agents to sign up you've made $5,000

5) 4 or 5 months later I've netted $20 per agent and now announce that due to unforseens circumstances this will be delayed another year.
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