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New zero premium life insurance policy/life settlements

anybody seen Pat......

Surmise: Definition "An idea or opinion based on insufficiently conclusive evidence; a conjecture." "A judgment, estimate, or opinion arrived at by guessing."

Mary, don't give these people any more of your time. You said you were done on this thread. Everyone seems to know it all, how the actuaries HAVE TO WORK, etc. As I stated in an earlier reply, these (so called experts) are like the sports analysts who all seem to know exactly what is going to happen in the coming season. Why so dogmatic about what is so unknown? Mary, don't dignify these people with any further dialogue. If it happens and becomes a great blessing to seniors and agents; it will be worth it all. EXAMPLE OF BAD SURMISING: "Lets say that the average length that these old people will live from today is 20 years." Hello, how many 80 year olds are going to live to 100? It is for 65-85 year olds and the average lifespan for that group is 84 months. Now do the math with an investor and 100 clients. Do the math for an investor where the client dies in the first year. That is an amazing return on his money. Probably several hundred percent in fact. If it is an average of 7 years, the investor would easily profit 15, 20% plus. The investors are not going to make this move without understanding ALL THE RISKS. It is the law of large numbers. Some will be a minimal return or even a loss. Some will be massive returns. That is simple investment risk spread. Say you can't give away something? I have done a lot of MA's and because I am passionate about a zero premium, my clients are as well. It is all how you look at it. But here is my favorite of all. I am ripping myself off as an agent for what I could be making a lot more commission per deal with any other insurance company. Hello! How many of these size policies are you writing in a day now? I would rather have 4 $250 commissions than 1 $1,000 commission any day. And some people seem to be forgetting that they have to have a client agree to paying the healthy premiums to help them earn that $1,000 commission. NO chargebacks. No competition. Any one I sell a larger policy to can get a competitor's quote, have them come to their door after me etc. Do the math people, this is going to far outperfom. The only possible issue with me is the senior and I do love them. By the way, I enjoyed chatting with you on the phone Mary. I really recommend that those who are so convinced this is a scam; your voice has been heard, let it rest!
so P.....were we at on this.....you have any emails......
I have no new news. I have spent a good bit of time on the phone with Darrold and I feel good about the conversations we have had. I don't mean the conf. call. Sounded kind of flakey to me when I went on. But have had some quality personal phone time. I told Frank that you just feel good about talking with some people. That was how I also felt when I spoke with Frank on the phone. My wife and I are pretty interested in the new "After Thoughts" birthday insurance some have been chatting about on a different thread. Been throwing out the concept with both friends and clients and have received pretty decent response. Watching the "no cost to the insured" not holding our breath too much, but slight hopes at least.
Well that's the end of that. Attatched.

It's about time - they should have done that to begin with. That's what they did wrong was let this get too big too quickly. It will be much easier to get this rolled out now, without all the noise going on.

Until then, good luck all!
Well that's the end of that. Attatched.

NO ITS NOT......you are not reading this right.......
