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Now is the Time to Talk About Death!

I guess some people do run when they see me coming. But those people run when they see a lot of people coming.

Here comes the preacher, he will try and save my soul.
O Crap! there is my doctor and he will want me to lose some weight.
Here comes my tax guy and he will want me to file early.
Here comes Mark Rosenthal and he will want me to protect my family.

All of these people don't know that I'm fine the way that I am. I wish people would just stop trying to help me.

If anyone trying to "SELL" you something, I think I'm one of the most important ones. I'm the guy trying to be there for your family at their worst time of need. I'm the guy that wants to insurance your income when you get sick.

Insurance agents can be heros. My neighbors house just burned down. His agents is his new best friend. I had a couple of death claims this year and all of the clients love me.

Insurance is a very important part of protection.

I guess people do run from me, because I stay in " Prospecting Mode" most of the time. But it's my job to make sure their family members are protected and they do the right thing.

I know how the preacher feels sometimes. O Crap, here comes the preacher and he will want to talk to me about coming to church. Run!!! But the preacher is only trying to help you, for your own good. Same thing about Doctors.

I ran into my dentist the other day, and I just remember I skip a cleaning and he was all over me. Mark, where have you been. I tried to avoid him so he would not ask me.

Bottomline, what I do works for me very well. It is not for everyone. To agents that don't sell life insurance, it won't make much sense. TO the agents that do sell insurance, I might be somewhat old school or out of the box. But at the end of the day, I'm helping families and making a good living.

That guy in the video, I bet he makes a good living. I bet he never gives up and that is what it takes in this business.

*Spell check and grammer was not used in this post.
Speaking of famous movie scenes, Pad, are those Sharon Stone's legs you're wearing these days?
I guess some people do run when they see me coming.

You said it, not me.

But the preacher is only trying to help you, for your own good.

There are a quite a few intelligent folks that are capable of deciding what's "for their own good", and don't need to abdicate it to others. I must trust people a whole lot more than you do.

That guy in the video, I bet he makes a good living.

Some consolation for being the guy that causes people to turn and run away when they see him...

*Spell check and grammer was not used in this post.

Yes, we know. For about the fifty-seventh time, it's grammar.
Talk about moral hazard...

Married, 4 kids, girlfriend who was recently arrested for DUI (alcohol, drugs or both), a handgun as part of daily operendi. He couldn't have been much more off course.

I wonder what the largest monetary insured death claim will be for McNair?

I would imagine these companies that underwrite these pro athlete contracts (insuring the teams against loss of fronted monies, etc.), must shutter when they hear of stories like this one, or the Darrent Williams murder, or the Sean Taylor murder, or the Plexico Burress handgun lunacy, and on and on. One wouldn't think that any company would be offering ART for 89 cents per thousand to this group of pro athletes due to the lifestyle that many of them obviously lead.

This would be of utmost interest to know some of the behind the scenes life ins underwriting thoughts on this topic. Anyone have any hands-on experience with pro athlete life insurance coverage...?
I met a guy a few years ago that claimed to have a lot of pro athletes covered for life & DI. A lot of his biz was surplus lines ( at least on the DI side) but I suspect some of it spilled over to the life side as well.
SportsNut...Now that Nancy is gone, it looks like the Cats are playing again. Do you know what I mean?

Oh, you mean the Lance Stephenson signing...?

I have looked for him in church amongst the other alter boys, but somehow didn't spot him. Hmmm.

Trial begins July 15th; this could be a game-changer. But to your point Chumps, some of the recent Big-East thumpings have the faithful willing to blur (cross) that line again. As they say, winning isn't everything, it is the only thing. Maybe so.