Obama Care Resource

Why give it any link juice. I would bury it!

Well in that case, should we petition the forum moderators to remove this thread..or maybe even the entire Healthcare Reform sub-forum? Sometimes it's good to behave like an ostrich and get put out of one's misery quickly!
And sometimes it's good to GET OUT OF INDY HEALTH SALES!!!

I hope all of you have developed that second option (as you were told two years ago to do). If you rely on indy health...uh oh!

Did I get out? No. But I diversified. You need to GET OUT!

WebNanny was not used in this post
WebIWarnedYouTwpYearsAgo was used in this post
Few more links...

Health Insurance Marketplace home | Marketplace.CMS.Gov
The Federal Government's new portal that explains how Exchanges work (among other things) and will also be a central location for consumers to be routed to their specific state exchange websites later this year.

To keep up-to-date on HHS and state conference calls, web-forums, related to Exchange/Marketplace implementation around the country.

"The Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight (CCIIO) is charged with helping implement many provisions of the Affordable Care Act, the historic health reform bill that was signed into law March 23, 2010. CCIIO oversees the implementation of the provisions related to private health insurance. CCIIO works closely with governors and the state insurance commissioners, consumers, and stakeholders to ensure the new law best serves the American people."
Here are some of my favorite resources for health care reform:

Subsidy explanations, charts & flow charts

Federal Poverty Guidelines - FPL chart

http://www.kff.org/healthreform/upload/7962-02.pdf - Kaiser explanation of subsidy calculation for both premium subsidy and cost sharing subsidies, with charts. Note that their chart for cost-sharing subsidies is not very detailed. For that reason, use the chart found at CoreSource - The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (Section 5)

https://benecomplink.com/services/ - Calculator for penalties, like penalty vs premium, individual mandate penalty, small business tax credit. Look at the bottom of the web page for these.

http://www.naic.org/documents/committees_b_consumer_information_130319_flow_chart.pdf - NAIC flow chart for subsidy or not - leaves out all info. past the door to eligibility.

http://healthreform.kff.org/~/media/Files/KHS/Flowcharts/employer__penalty_flowchart_1.pdf - Kaiser Employer "Pay or Play" penalty flow chart

Obamacare Flowchart | Intellectual Takeout (ITO) - PPACA bureaucracy flow chart

Subsidy Calculators

Health Reform Subsidy Calculator - Kaiser Health Reform - Kaiser premium subsidy calculator. This is BASIC, but flawed. It only does singles or families of 4 for instance. The premiums are not accurate either. However, it's a place to start. Read the supporting text, likewise for good info.

What the health care law means for you - The Washington Post - Washington Post premium subsidy calculator. This is better, but still only dealing with simple issues.

National Health Care Calculator - Premium subsidy calculator. Likewise too simplistic, and using out-of-date information and premium estimates.

News Sources

The following 3 are all Kaiser
1. Kaiser Health Reform Gateway: Health Care Reform and Health Insurance Reform Analysis, Data and Information
2. Kaiser Health News
3. The Henry J. Kaiser Family Foundation - Health Policy, Media Resources, Public Health Education & South Africa - Kaiser Family Foundation

The Hill and Healthwatch - The Hill's Healthwatch - Both of these are from The Hill

Anything written by Avik Roy

Insurance news & sales ideas for life & health insurance professionals - LifeHealthPro - Life Health Pro

Employee Benefits News & Data for Benefits Brokers, Benefits Managers & Retirement Advisors | BenefitsPro - Benefits Pro

NAHU Washington Update - 03/08/2013 NAHU weekly updates. They send these every Friday, as you can see by the date near the end of the URL. If you change the date near the end of the URL you can see other weeks' updates.

ObamaCare Watch - per Allen in Chicago

Health Reform GPS: Navigating the Implementation Process - Health Reform GPS

http://ifawebnews.com/category/health-insurance-news/ - IFA news

Blogs & Agent websites

Dave Fluker's California Health Insurance Blog - Dave Fluker Dave020

InsureBlog - Somarco's blog

Healthcare Exchange | Exchanging ideas. Finding solutions. - this is Benefit Mall's blog

News and Events | BenefitMall General Agency - Benefit Mall updates

The Horton Group Blog – HealthCare Reform - The Horton Group

http://healthblog.ncpa.org/ - John Goodman

Health - Disability - Actuarial Outpost - A Forum for Actuaries, with a sub forum for Health & Disability. Very good insight into what our actuaries are contemplating!

Good Insurance Company newsletters

Health Reform Weekly - Aetna Health Reform Connection - Aetna. Surprisingly an excellent newsletter!

ACA/Health Care Reform - absolutely excellent newsletters & webinars from a very reputable TPA and compliance expert called InfiniSource.

Good Insurance Company guides (however, they are only current as of the publication date)

http://apps.humana.com/marketing/documents.asp?file=2037893 - Humana

Health Reform Marketing and Communications Broker Health Reform Guide | January 2013 - United Healthcare Guide

http://www.uhc.com/united_for_reform_resource_center/health_reform_provisions.htm - United Healthcare Reform Resource Center website

Exchanges / Marketplaces / Govt sites

Health Insurance Marketplace | HealthCare.gov - HHS starting to put up news

Health Insurance Marketplace home | Marketplace.CMS.Gov - CMS

Health Insurance Marketplace Stakeholder Engagement Open Door Forum - Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services - CMS

Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight | cciio.cms.gov - CCIIO - division of CMS that is setting up the exchanges

Covered California Health Insurance Exchange, CAHBA - CA exchange

Utah Health Exchange - Utah exchange

https://www.mahealthconnector.org/portal/site/connector - Massachusetts

Your State Marketplace | HealthCare.gov - Info about all state run exchanges, per HHS
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I just amended my post above to add one more resource. It's a forum for Actuaries, and it has a sub forum for Health and Disability, where they discuss PPACA a lot. It's at:
Health - Disability - Actuarial Outpost

It's a pretty informative source. They have some of the same predictions that we have. When one poster asked what the anticipated new rates would be, another poster answered "Roughly trend + taxes and fees of PPACA + benefit changes + guaranteed issue effect + anti-selection effect + commission changes".
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It's a pretty informative source. They have some of the same predictions that we have. When one poster asked what the anticipated new rates would be, another poster answered "Roughly trend + taxes and fees of PPACA + benefit changes + guaranteed issue effect + anti-selection effect + commission changes".

From what I've read (and remember), we're looking at roughly:

Trend - 12-15%
Taxes & fees - 3-5%
Benefit changes - 5-7% (estimate)
GI effect - 20-25% (only on IFP in IL, group is already GI)
Anti-selection - 3-7%
Commission changes - no idea

That puts us somewhere between 40-59% increases on IFP, and 23-34% on small group, according to those numbers.

And you thought that owners and managers were unhappy about 10% renewal numbers of late. :laugh:
My goodness Ann! How do you keep up on all this and sell? Do you sleep?

I won't speak for anyone, but I think I can safely say that most of us appreciate you (and Bill and Dave and others) posting all this to help us try to keep up.