Obama CMS Chief: Medicare Advantage Plans Game the System


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Donald Berwick, MD, MPP, a pediatrician, was the administrator of the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) during the Obama administration and is president emeritus and senior fellow at the Institute for Healthcare Improvement.

MedPage Today interviewed him by phone about his concerns that too many Medicare beneficiaries are being misled into enrolling into private Medicare Advantage plans, which he said should be slowed or stopped because the plans have gamed the system to receive billions more than what is spent for traditional Medicare beneficiaries' care.

Cheryl Clark: Let's start with the big question. Medicare Advantage, or MA, plan enrollment has been growing so fast; 52% of beneficiaries are now enrolled, with 60%, 70% projected in a few years. Michael Chernew, PhD, chair of MedPAC, said some parts of the country are at 90%. I hear a traditional Medicare patient can't find a primary care provider in some parts of the country because all the doctors are locked in MA.

Will every eligible beneficiary have no choice but Medicare Advantage? Was that the goal of Congress to privatize Medicare entirely? And is that a good idea, given your concern about how MA plans have gamed the system to get more money?

Don Berwick, MD, MPP:
I think MA growth should be slowed or stopped, at least until we end the extraordinarily high subsidies for MA plans, which are unfair to traditional Medicare and burdensome to the public treasury and many beneficiaries. Many beneficiaries can get better care for themselves and greater choice through traditional Medicare, and that option should remain robust and available.

I don't have a crystal ball, but Medicare Advantage is growing very fast. Some of the systems that apply to Medicare, like the benchmarks that are set for Medicare Advantage or the quality scores, are predicated on traditional Medicare foundations. As traditional Medicare shrinks, some of the original ideas behind comparing traditional Medicare to MA that are the basis for payment become unsustainable. The traditional Medicare population will become less desirable for insurers, meaning more expensive to treat. If everyone eventually ends up in Medicare Advantage – I can say with certainty that was not the intent of Congress when MA was set up.

The original idea behind MA, in its predecessor forms, was not a bad one. It was to give beneficiaries the choice to have what I call good, responsible managed care if they wanted it, but not require them to have it or trap them into it. It didn't take many years for that to be distorted.

[EXTERNAL LINK] - Obama CMS Chief: Medicare Advantage Plans Game the System
I propose that we fix this right after we fix politicians gaming the system.

I'm sure that won't take long and well'll be able to get right to it.

and for extra credit fix the Supreme Court from being political bought and paid for hacks for their party of choice too.
So they offered a choice and half the people made a choice. Good for us, because we have lots of happy people who love their MA's and lots of people who love their Medicare Supplements. If media spent the time covering pharma lobbying practices, maybe everyone who takes more than lisinopril would start loving Part D too.
So they offered a choice and half the people made a choice. Good for us, because we have lots of happy people who love their MA's and lots of people who love their Medicare Supplements. If media spent the time covering pharma lobbying practices, maybe everyone who takes more than lisinopril would start loving Part D too.
you can blame some of the deficit on the MAPD spending-the government spends way more on those beneficiaries than those of us with original Medicare
always failing to realize the cost of having original Medicare. Many people would do nothing and get gouged on deductibles and 20% and poor drug plans. What’s the real problem here? MAPD is a great alternative to high costs without dental. Most of my MAPD members can’t afford paying for a filling. And if the develop cancer, the thousands of unpaid bills will put an even more damper on things. At least MAPD has a stop to the madness
you can blame some of the deficit on the MAPD spending-the government spends way more on those beneficiaries than those of us with original Medicare

I’ve always wonder if that cost included the part D subsidies that insurance companies get.

The articles only claim that MAPD plans cost the tax payers more than original Medicare.
he articles only claim that MAPD plans cost the tax payers more than original Medicare.

CMS has admin costs + claim funding when looking at OM. Not so with MA funds to carriers.

If you doubt the articles showing the per capita cost of MA is the same or less than OM I would like to see them.
CMS has admin costs + claim funding when looking at OM. Not so with MA funds to carriers.

If you doubt the articles showing the per capita cost of MA is the same or less than OM I would like to see them.

Where did I say that articles claim that MAPD cost is the same or less than OM?
I literally said the articles claim that MAPD cost us more than OM.