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Obamacare Created a Market for Junk Insurance

I disagree i have ambetter threw aca. It's $700 a month but great ins . Most of the hospitals in my area take it. I looked at medishare for $250 a month and just couldn't do it. They have so many exclusions and pay very little. Plus since there not ins they can deny anything they want and theres nothing you can do to fight them.
They used to say that that was their intent...for O'bamacare to fail into a Single Payor system. :yes:

Obama was a corporatist through and through and he knew exactly what he was creating. It helped make him rich. He never intended for ACA to become Medicare for all.

He intended for it to get him reelected and then he did not give a fvck what happened after that.
You are way way way over insured buddy. I dont have one GF client close to that deductible and oop. Raise it if you can.

My 2 cents. Maybe LD will provide his sick sense. Or 6 cents.

I wouldn’t dare touch it. At this point I’m surprised I can still keep it. I’m screwed when then finally end it.
And he wanted something with his name on it for his "legacy". :yes:

Well, not really ... "Obamacare" was a derogatory term first used by Republicans. Much to their chagrin, the name, and the policy stuck.

I love ya' Tom, but there's a whole lot of truth your missing as to how both sides are screwing us. You have to remember, Trump won by running to the left of Hillary. He ran on a program called "Health Insurance for All," and promised that no one would be left out and the government would cover those who couldn't afford it. He ran on ending the endless wars of Dubya and Obama. He ran as the anti-establishment candidate and unfortunately he got muddied by the swamp he went to drain. But you keep thinking that this is Republicans vs Democrats. It is not. This is the neo-cons and the neo-libs vs the American working man and woman, the poor schmuck tax-payers like us who get screwed year after year.

Trump could have been the one. He wasn't. Part of that was he came in thinking this was going to be easy - he thought running the country would be no different than running his company and that he could just snap his fingers and his will would be done. The second problem was the stupid fvckin Russia hoax that the elite donor class media wasted two years of our lives insisting was true lol.

Trump let them get in his head and they never left. It is a shame, but it is what it is.

The fvckin Dems are not on your side and neither are the fvckin Republicans. They will smile to your face and ask for your vote and then disappear into their back rooms and vote on $hit that will hurt our kids.
I remember a couple of years ago O'bama was freaking out when Trump was undoing his "legacy". ACA, Iran Nuclear Deal, etc.

Obama is four years i the rearview. You guys have got to stop looking at him and move forward for crying out loud. They talk about Trump derangement syndrome .... jeesh. How about all you guys who go to sleep at night and see Obama standing over your bed with an axe?
Obama is four years i the rearview. You guys have got to stop looking at him and move forward for crying out loud.

Dem's still complaining about Gore-Bush and how Gore won the popular vote (yet did not carry his home state) and lost the Electoral vote.

Fast forward to 2016. Similar result but Dem's complain about how Trump stole the election.

No complaints about the Electoral vote unless your guy or "gal" loses.
Fast forward to 2016. Similar result but Dem's complain about how Trump stole the election.

You guys don't get it ... heck, and the Republicans tried to throw Clinton out for not owning up to getting a blow job because they couldn't accept that they lost in'92 ... it's the same game ... You have no idea why Trump won just as the Dems think Bernie and the Russians cost them the election. I'll tell you doesn't really think the Russia hoax was real - Hillary! Why? Because she's the one who made the whole thing up.

You have got to stop looking at the Dems and Republicans as two different teams - they are two cheeks on the same ass and they are just fighting over who gets to control the hole in the middle and what comes out of it.

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