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Ok... Can You Tell Me What You Think??

It's not the worst web site out there, but it does look like it was done by someone who had never done a website before. It IS pretty basic... but not horrible. I like the pix you put there. It would be good to tell something about yourself or what you can do for a client... as opposed to the agent down the street.

You should take a look at WordPress. I'll bet your host has it already. You could have done a site a lot nicer with less work with WP.

What you have is a good start... but I simply didn't see anything on the site that said "Wow... this is the woman I want to work with."

InsuranceSolutions123 Agency
I agree with Al. Not the best but definately not the worst. There's not enough useful content of your homepage and your contact information is to far down. You need more above the fold.

At a quick glance it may be difficult for your sites vistors to see what products you offer. And in all your sites design doesn't really read insurance.

I don't reccomend using Word Press entirely as a primary website as you can be limited in customization other than installing themes if your not fimilar with WP. A blog would be a good idea to have in addition to having website to help promote your business or to keep in touch with existing clients if you use posts like you would a newletter.

Your headed in the right direction...you just need a couple of tweaks and you'll be good to go.Having a website is better than having no website at all so you've already won have the battle.

Hope this helps
I agree with the above. Also, it doesn't seem to center correctly in my browser. (Things don't seem to line up correctly and the fonts don't seem uniform) Also, the "mail to a friend" icon needs to have the subject line rewritten for e-mails sent to others.
Wordpress has some awesome free and paid themes. There are some great static templates out there that do well for SEO purposes and look like a traditional static web design.

I agree with Al. Not the best but definately not the worst. There's not enough useful content of your homepage and your contact information is to far down. You need more above the fold.

At a quick glance it may be difficult for your sites vistors to see what products you offer. And in all your sites design doesn't really read insurance.

I don't reccomend using Word Press entirely as a primary website as you can be limited in customization other than installing themes if your not fimilar with WP. A blog would be a good idea to have in addition to having website to help promote your business or to keep in touch with existing clients if you use posts like you would a newletter.

Your headed in the right direction...you just need a couple of tweaks and you'll be good to go.Having a website is better than having no website at all so you've already won have the battle.

Hope this helps
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Hi there. I first must say, I have no IT experience and putting this together was not so easy for me. Let me know what you think. Is it too basic?

PM me and I'll set you up with a WP site for free. I think you will find it much simpler.
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Not too bad for someone who has no experience with IT. But you really have to put some contents on your site, and re work the lay out and the fonts too.