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P&C Direct Mail Marketing


New Member
I know there's a few threads about this already, but the ones I've seen were back in 2014 etc, and I didn't see exactly what I was looking for. I was wondering if anyone would mind sharing what they do to be successful in direct mail marketing? Do you have a company you'd suggest to use?

Another MAJOR question I have is how the heck do you give mass amounts of targeted prospects generic quotes? Is there a company for this? For example, I got an Allstate homeowners quote that said I should be paying "x" amount of dollars for my homeowners insurance based on "public data". If I wasn't an agent and new better, I'd sure as hell have called them. What companies offer this to IA's?

I REALLY appreciate any feedback. My partner and I can't sleep at night trying to figure this out!
All my business now is referral, but I did a tiny bit of marketing back in the day that was very successful from an ROI standpoint..

I had, and still do have a company that is extremely competitive on apartment buildings. So, instead of buying the addresses of all apartment building owners in my target areas for some obscene amount like 50 cents a lead as it was back then, I instead stopped by to visit someone I had met at a networking event that worked at a title company. I brought pizza for the whole office which cost me like $75 or something like that. While I was there, I made sure everyone was enjoying the pizza, and very politely asked someone to put together an excel sheet of all apartment buildings in all counties I was interested in. That spreadsheet took them all of 3 minutes and contained owner address info, apartment building size, zip code, etc.

Then, I filtered down who I was interested in marketing, and sent out marketing postcards to them. If you're really interested, pm me and I'll show you what I sent them. Now, I got an average of 3 phone calls per 1,000 mailings, which sounds bad. However, I was getting exactly the buildings I wanted, exactly the clients I wanted, and I would usually sell 2 out of those 3 phone calls, so it easily covered the costs. Furthermore, rarely does someone JUST own an apartment building. Now, this was back in the day when I still sold personal and life, so first I would talk about the apartment building, then the other income properties they owned (there was usually more) then their home and Mercedes, then their life insurance. If I was doing it today, I would then ask for introductions for the other people they knew that own income property, because usually people like this know other people like this, business owners, etc. Furthermore, it is worth noting, I've found these people to actually be very high retention good clients. One of them would have me over to dinner parties so I could sell to their friends and family, and another just offered to let me stay at his beach home whenever I want.