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Passed My Prelicensing Exam


100+ Post Club
I passed my life & health prelicensing exam this weekend... I'll be taking my state exam next week.

Looking forward to reentering the insurance biz... It's been 9 years!
Welcome we are glad to have you back!

Why did you leave? If I may be so forward as to ask.

Let me be completely honest. I originally started in the insurance biz when I was 19 years old and struggled like hell. I had no credibility but I tried very hard. I made money over the years but my market began to dry up, and quite honestly I just got tired. 9 years in the biz and I needed a break. I needed to try something else. So, I got involved with technology. But my passion for the industry and discussing such topics never ceased.

In fact, I felt great being able to talk about such items with people without the need to feel to sell them. Many people encouraged me to reenter the field and many people valued my opinions and discussion points.

Now, at 36, my life is very different. My market is different. Even the people that I had no credibility with a decade ago I now have.

I intend on doing things a little differently. I never did any kind of marketing. The internet was a baby back then, and nobody really knew how to regulate it, so most companies forbid any online advertising. So my plan is to market life and health in several states, while at the same time, begin to build a local clientele.

For me, it took swallowing my pride a little to admit that I wanted back in. I did not want to tell my wife. She was hesitant at first... Actually she screamed "NOOOOOOO!!!!", but after hours of talking and planning I think she is now looking forward to it. (She is my inspiration and my #1 business partner.)

That's it in a nutshell. I am a bit nervous, but more positioned for success. I've had other than corporate business success in the past 9 years. I've been a successful real estate investor and a successful business owner.
Let me be completely honest. I originally started in the insurance biz when I was 19 years old and struggled like hell. I had no credibility but I tried very hard. I made money over the years but my market began to dry up, and quite honestly I just got tired. 9 years in the biz and I needed a break. I needed to try something else. So, I got involved with technology. But my passion for the industry and discussing such topics never ceased.

In fact, I felt great being able to talk about such items with people without the need to feel to sell them. Many people encouraged me to reenter the field and many people valued my opinions and discussion points.

Now, at 36, my life is very different. My market is different. Even the people that I had no credibility with a decade ago I now have.

I intend on doing things a little differently. I never did any kind of marketing. The internet was a baby back then, and nobody really knew how to regulate it, so most companies forbid any online advertising. So my plan is to market life and health in several states, while at the same time, begin to build a local clientele.

For me, it took swallowing my pride a little to admit that I wanted back in. I did not want to tell my wife. She was hesitant at first... Actually she screamed "NOOOOOOO!!!!", but after hours of talking and planning I think she is now looking forward to it. (She is my inspiration and my #1 business partner.)

That's it in a nutshell. I am a bit nervous, but more positioned for success. I've had other than corporate business success in the past 9 years. I've been a successful real estate investor and a successful business owner.

I must say that I think you should do fine; not saying that you were seeking my approval. One of the hardest things I see agents struggle with is their home life.

I had one of my agents in my office today who told me that after ten years his wife woke up this morning and told him that she was leaving. Here is an individual that will make almost 200K this year, thinking he had the world by the horns, and his entire world just fell apart.

I say this to inspire you; So that you will not forget about how important it is to make sure your wife remains your #1 inspiration and business partner. I even on occasion will let my wife be a part of a business decision, as long as her decision coincides with mine......LOL

With that being said I wish you the greatest of success in this business, as it looks you already have a good foot-hold. If you would ever like a good marketing idea just pm me, I would be happy to chat. Happy hunting and good luck
Congratulations on passing your prelicensing exam and good luck reentering the business.

Your story is very similar to mine. I was MDRT producer in Life & Financial Services from 1989 - 2004 selling mostly life insurance, mutal funds, and variable annuities in the course of retirement planning. I went back to school to get a masters degree in health services administration and have been working in healthcare since 2005.

I make a decent living and I help a lot of people, but I miss working with and helping families with their Life and Annuity Plans. I am also becoming a student of marketing and feel like I know a ton more about it than I did several years ago. I will use the internet and other methods to market and feel that there is more potential than ever as an independent agent. I was captive before. Never again.

Sort of like you, I plan to focus on FE & Fixed Annuities in a few states and also build a strong local clientele starting part-time right after the new year. I'm 42 and feel like I'm a little smarter and more mature. My approach will be different and probably more successful as a result. Having worked in healthcare (nursing home environment & geriatric care management) I have a ton of stories to tell about seeing people die without having done any planning. I now truly view myself as a resource that the people should take advantage of and I can be rewarded with a great living by helping as many people as I possibly can.

Let's keep in touch and support one another's efforts.

To Our Success!
Your story is very similar to mine. I was MDRT producer in Life & Financial Services from 1989 - 2004 selling mostly life insurance, mutal funds, and variable annuities in the course of retirement planning. I went back to school to get a masters degree in health services administration and have been working in healthcare since 2005.

I make a decent living and I help a lot of people, but I miss working with and helping families with their Life and Annuity Plans. I am also becoming a student of marketing and feel like I know a ton more about it than I did several years ago. I will use the internet and other methods to market and feel that there is more potential than ever as an independent agent. I was captive before. Never again.

Sort of like you, I plan to focus on FE & Fixed Annuities in a few states and also build a strong local clientele starting part-time right after the new year. I'm 42 and feel like I'm a little smarter and more mature. My approach will be different and probably more successful as a result. Having worked in healthcare (nursing home environment & geriatric care management) I have a ton of stories to tell about seeing people die without having done any planning. I now truly view myself as a resource that the people should take advantage of and I can be rewarded with a great living by helping as many people as I possibly can.

To Our Success!

I can already tell that you going to do well in this business.