Pay Per Click Advertising Results

"Plus you need to spend more than a $100 free credit on ppc to gauge a campaign. You could of gotten a conversion on click 20 and 21, but because you stopped at 19 you got nothing. "

I definitely see your point. The thing is now I am up to about 70 clicks (35 from Microsoft Adcenter and 35 from Facebook) and still not one single request for a quote. My keywords are very exact for someone looking for an insurance quote. I agree that $100 is not enough to gage the campaign, but how much money should one throw in before they figure something is not working. I'm at that point right now where I feel if 70 people have visited my site and not one has requested a quote then something must be wrong. Anyone have any approximate figures as to visitors to your site vs. the # of quote requests that come in from your site? My site is focused on commercial insurance primarily if that makes any difference.