Personal Umbrella Licensing

Hawaii Agent

Aloha from Hawaii!

I have an insured w/ a 2nd residence here and primary residence on the mainland. Insured wants to get a $5mill umbrella and I've explained that he should get it through his primary residence state because I'm not licensed there. Markel has said that we need to be licensed in the primary res state. Insured has sent me a copy of his wife's Hawaii Driver's License and insists that I write the coverage (you know because I'm so fantastic that he wants me to be his agent I guess).

My question, if I am to write this, is it possible that Markel could deny coverage since we'll be listing what I believe is his 2nd res as his primary res?

Hope y'all are doing great. I'll try to be more active on the forum but you know, life after the wildfires...
Stick to your guns and follow the insurers rules.

, is it possible that Markel could deny coverage since we'll be listing what I believe is his 2nd res as his primary res?
Is it possible? Sure. Would they win? Who Knows.

If you really want to get technical, ask to see their underwriting manual.

But...why spend time on it. Fishy business smells. Develop a relationship with some agent in that state, or better yet - get a license in that state.
But...why spend time on it. Fishy business smells. Develop a relationship with some agent in that state, or better yet - get a license in that state.

It wasn't fishy. I think insured just likes working with me. He did eventually find an agent in MI to get the coverage done.

Sell a Stand Alone umbrella policy. Doesn't matter which residence is primary.

I was selling a stand-alone umbrella; however, the Markel system said that I needed to be licensed in MI. No chance that I'm getting licensed for a single stand-alone policy. But we got him to understand we weren't licensed to offer the coverage because of his location