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Physician Speaks Out, Be Very Scared!

In this case, you MIGHT get by with a 1099, but that isn't true in a lot of cases. McDonalds can't pay with 1099's, Walmart can't, and I can't.

Once you tell someone how to do their job, or tell them when to work on the job, or provide the tools for the job, or tell them where they have to work, it's pretty much a W-2 situation. I know you can push the envelope a bit, maybe a lot if you are small, but you do have to be careful with using 1099's to individuals.


And then there is always the Zoe Baird school of accounting where you simply call everything a stipend and skip the social security, workers comp, unemployment comp, etc.
"My housekeeper was not working for 23 cents an hour. She was receiving a stipend which covered all of that."

One thing I can say about nominations for democratic cabinet positions, you certainly learn a lot about accounting techniques that can you locked up.

Is this a great country or what?
And what would McDonald's be doing with the difference between the $2/hr they'd pay and the $7 they have to pay? Cheaper food? No, more money for top execs. Let's get real.

OK, great, let's get real.

You can work at McDonald's for minimum-wage (about $7.00 an hour?). First of all, it probably doesn't apply, because minimum wage laws only apply to full-time work. Everything else is exempt.

You might make $7, but you won't make more. At the end of a say, a six-hour shift, you've earned $42 before taxes.

Or, you can wait-staff or tend bar at a restaurant for $2.64 an hour (or whatever it is). If you hustle, and provide superior value and service, you'll be well-compensated through tips. No, it's not guaranteed - you've got to work.

At the end of a six hour shift, you've probably earned at least $60 in tips, or about $76 in total, or $12.67 (nearly double!) per hour.

That's the effect of minimum-wage laws. Designed to throw the lower class a bone, in hopes of getting their vote next election.

Problem is, they still only make $7.00 an hour! When you figure in the ravages of inflation on folks of modest and fixed means - they're gettin' raped!

I say do them a real favor - give them the benefit of freedom and liberty - not a "minimum wage".
Not the case, you can hire that person to paint your fence 1099 and simply pay him a flat fee for the job.

Totally bullsh*t and flip response. Pretend I have 1,000 yards of fence that need painting. Takes an able bodied person 6 weeks. Takes a handicapped person 10 weeks. (And my other 10 factories also have long fences that need maintaining).

I tell them it's 9-5, M-F. That's not a 1099 job. I must hire one of them an employee.

Which one do I hire? Even if I'd like to hire the hadicapped person, I can't afford to because I need pay him the same as the guy who finishes in 1/2 the time. Hence my cost is twice as much to help the handicapped.

When did this country not allow people to work at the rate THEY determine? Oh yeah. I forgot. When the government decided they know more about everything than the people do.

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And knowing you as well as anyone else, I don't believe a word you say. I think you are a liar. It is my privilege to think that... and say that. What else could I say? That I believe you? Why would I believe you? Because you say I should? If you wish to contest that... perhaps you will come out of your cave and tell us who you are. Otherwise you are just another bogus wannabe on the internet.

It is your privilege, as you say, to think whatever you want. Or more precisely, whatever the rays getting through your tin foil hat dictate.

Stop Alien Abductions
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Two things about minimum wage laws:
1. No one talks about the fact that the tax revenue increases as the amount of wages goes up. Higher wages equals more withholding (fica, unemployment, etc.). I think this is the real reason that the feds keep boosting minimum wage rates.

2. John, I dare say you are wrong in your supposition that companies would pay $2.00/hour if there was no minimum wage. Companies will pay what it takes to keep an employee that they want to keep. When you hire telemarketers, do you pay them minimum wage or do you pay them what it will take to keep them and assure that you are getting the results that you planned for?
Al3 I was on your site yesterday and low and behold you have that choice is good when buying Insurance. And you sit here and tell us the Obama plan is what we should take. Where is the choice in a one payor system have you even read the bills going through or listened to your messiah talk about Universal Health Care?

I was pretty sure you weren't using neo -con correctly either. You are trying to use it as being derogatory but the term in of itself isn't to a try neo-con.

Your name calling just shows you can't make a valid point. You have to get people side tracked with all the slurs you spew.

I think we need health care reform but not government run health care. I believe it is the choice of the people to decide if a treatment is worth the money. And I like knowing that specialist gets paid more than a family Doctor.
Al3, I too looked at your website the other day and I was simply wondering how in good conscience you who seem totally bent against the private insurers are able to reconcile your beliefs with the fact you are willing to sell this “crap” to your customers instead of letting someone else like one of neo-cons who could care less make the sale? Sorry pal, it just doesn’t add up and I was wondering if you could explain. It’s sort of like watching Michael Moore interviewed by Hannity the other night who cant seem to stop berating the very system which enabled Moore to make all those bucks. Hypocrite or simply a neophyte who through feelings of his own inadequacies and/or guilt finds relief through the judgment and insults aimed at others? Maybe didn’t get enough of mommy’s milk as a child or not enough attention, because logically you can not reconcile on the one hand your disgust for a system while you continue to participate and benefit from the system unless you are hiding something, or your just playing a game and pretending to give a rat’s ass so you feel better about your self at night. Liberals speak of compassion and generosity and blah, blah, blah while statistics demonstrate it is those who lean towards conservative viewpoints who give a higher percentage of money and time to charity. Interesting little fact there, talk comes cheap in many circles.

At least our Senate is consistent, there stupidity and corruption never stops and they don’t apologize for it, as they prepare now to vote on their reform bill BEFORE it get’s written, and through parliamentary procedure will pass it with a 51 vote, at least that’s I what I hear of late. And you think this sort of behavior makes our country the better?
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