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Pointless health insurance

So is auto insurance if you dont have accidents, or home owners if you dont plan on a hurricane or fire, or life insurance if you are young and healthy. Health insurance covered me after a motorcycle accident when I spent 3 days in a hospital and 7 days after falling from a horse. 3 days was billed at over 35K, 7 days was billed at over 100K. Even if my plan cost 1000 per month it would have taken 12 YEARS of saving premium to cover the 2 accidents. Get a high deductible plan and cross your fingers hoping that you stay healthy
I hear that every day

I remember a client that was adamant he is so health never goes to doc wants $0 plan even though there were no good 0 plans in his area high copays,

Called me up 2 years later got cancer wants to upgrade Luckily he was in NY no underwriting for med supp and easy extra help from the state to qualify to change outside EP

Not everyone is so lucky
Then drop it. Just have plenty of money in the bank for the inevitable time when you do have to go to the doctor or the hospital.

Health insurance is like a handgun.

It's better to have it and not need it than need it and not have it.
agreed 100%
if your home is paid off go without homeowners coverage. Maybe you need it and maybe you do not?
I have a client who signs up for ACA insurance every January....gets her free annual physical, pap, mammogram, etc.....and when all comes back good, she terminates the insurance in February with the assumption that nothing will happen for the rest of the year. Rinse, repeat......Makes sense to me!!! :jiggy:
I have a client who signs up for ACA insurance every January....gets her free annual physical, pap, mammogram, etc.....and when all comes back good, she terminates the insurance in February with the assumption that nothing will happen for the rest of the year. Rinse, repeat......Makes sense to me!!! :jiggy:
Yeah, would make sense to me except for the fact that one morning in April I got out of bed and had a huge knot on the side of my neck that had come up overnight. Turned out to be stage 4 throat cancer.

The same with the situation occurred five years earlier when I had five heart attacks and ended up having quad bypasses. I had no history of heart trouble, high blood pressure, family history of heart attacks, etc.

A physical exam is just a snapshot in time and is outdated the next day. She is playing financial Russian Roulette with her routine. And, possibly committing suicide if she can't get the treatment she needs because she has no means to pay for it. So, no, it really doesn't make sense.. JMHO..