PPACA Repeal Bill Reaches House Floor

At this point why take up the time in the congress when they know it won't make it thru the senate. This is also a waste of taxpayer's money. I don't like obabmacare but the fact is it is on a roll, it is law. The other thing is the fence sitter's would continue to sit on the fence without healthcare and not doing our business any good. It definitely needs to be tweaked a great deal though.
There were 80 some odd democrats in the house that have not yet been on record through a vote on their position on Obamacare. It will be used in the 2014 house elections as a talking point.
There were 80 some odd democrats in the house that have not yet been on record through a vote on their position on Obamacare. It will be used in the 2014 house elections as a talking point.

Good and then maybe the new republican controlled senate as well and congress can tweak this damn thing or change it in it's entirety.
Act 1 - Obamacare crashes into the "affordability" wall, stalls in the "implementation" tunnel, and implodes after taking off of the launchpad.

Act 2 - Republicans hold up their "I told you so" poster.
Act 1 - Obamacare crashes into the "affordability" wall, stalls in the "implementation" tunnel, and implodes after taking off of the launchpad.

Act 2 - Republicans hold up their "I told you so" poster.

Act 3 better be a solid plan and not just a 'I told you so' ending. We have nothing to gain from this ending in a political collapse without something that is good for the consumer, good for the insurance company and everyone in between. We are currently heading face first into something that is bad for the consumer and bad for the carrier; but the only way anyone gets a win is if there is an insurance market that benefits everyone without the heavy hand of Uncle Sam. I wonder if insurance executives will come up with a better system and still make a profit?
I don't know if they will come up with a better system but I bet they will figure out a way to make a profit. Ideally Obamcare will be shelved while keeping some of the good things like no deductible or copay for preventative care. Guaranteed coverage for those under 19. Letting children staying on parents plan until age 26. No recession of policy without proving fraud are some of the big ones. And lighten up on the underwriting a bit but still have G.I for extreme cases. I am seeing carriers lighten up on the UW now in a mad dash to corner the "healthy market." Let females choose to have maternity or not. Eliminate EHB's except for the above mentioned items .No mandate ie must buy . No metal plans let people choose ,HSA or whatever plan and deductible they want.. In other words a compromise ,keep the good stuff and discard the rest. But sadly,compromise is a ugly word in Washington today much to the demise of our nation. If Obamacare was repealed do you think carriers would compromise?. Nope. Would we get our old commission structure back ? No way. So, I say as many on this forum,adapt and sell other lines like senior products..we :idea:babyboomers are gettin old. !
I did get a kick out of congressman charley Rangle (nyc), show his outrage at the IRS hearing. Didn't he get nailed a couple of years ago for tax evation. He was truly outraged!
You know congress on both side's waste too many tax dollar's getting side tracked with this IRS scandal, Benghazi and AP phone taps.

IRS: Obama, both Bushes, Clinton, Reagan, Carter, JFK, Eisenhower and FDR all had IRS target certain groups.

Embassy attacks that may or may not have been prevented have happened under all the Presidents back to Carter.

AP wire taps may be a legitimate bitch, but I read somewhere it may have been approved by a judge to see if there were security leaks by the press.

If each side was not hell bent on destroying the other and work for the people just maybe something could have changed for the better and the health care law repealed or tweaked.

I do agree with broker with one addition: Let us write child only policies. I know we can start Jan 1, 2014, but if the law is changed.