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Primerica Term Conversion?

You are really showing your ignorance here. Odds are, these are all some form of high early cash value policy. Very quickly the cash value equaled and then exceeded the total of premiums put into the policy. Also, if you can't see why whole life, particularly HECV, is of value to a high income, high net worth individual, you have no business talking about WL.

Also, if you believe any Fortune 500 executive owns or should own much in mutual funds beyond what is their employer sponsored plans, then you really have no place giving an opinion on this front.

Finally, if you really think Suze let someone buy a $20 MM policy on her life that she receives no benefit from, and has to walk away from should she leave, you truly are a moron. This policy isn't dead peasants insurance. This is some form of executive benefit. Odds are, it has already been transferred to her or will be soon. They may just be waiting for her to leave to transfer it, that way she doesn't "own" WL while she is busy bashing WL.

Yeah the more money you make the more sense Whole Life Makes. It's like taxe free money in the bank for your heirs. Estate Taxes leverage is a common application for wealth protection.
The debate between whole lifers and BTITDers will go on forever . . .

Forget about the pro's and con's for a second and ask: If Primerica had the better way of doing things why wouldn't a more traditional company offer a similar product? Why is Primerica a multi-level marketing company? Is the product not sellable in the traditional format (advertising, marketing, brokerage, etc? vs. relationship selling)???

I will say that I think anybody who has a sit-down with a Primerica agent is going to be in a better position because they will gain knowledge and become more aware of their situation.

Also, I recently ran a life insurance quote and Primerica was beat by 41 companies (monthly rate) and only beat 5.