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I answered an ad on Craig's List about an opportunity with Citibank...so I figured, what the hell, I'll go meet with them. Turns out it was the douchebags from Primerica. Kind of felt like I'd been Amway'd since they never mentioned the P-word until 10 minutes into the meeting.

Needless to say, I didn't call them back and they never got back to me. Idiots...
I can understand how they recruited to this model in the early 80's and even early 90's as there was not at that time very much opportunity peddling term.

But right now I just don't get it. Not much different than their long lost stepchild, NAA, but at least they put new agents in front of prospects beyond their family and friends.

Funniest Primerica story I have is from a 3 year veteran of theirs that kept sending a buddy of mine mortgage protection clients. Yes...she was literally calling him up saying "hey, I've got another client for you". I've heard of being clueless but this one took the cake.
Why do the pro primeamerica statements start out with the word "former"?

It's a term company with not the best rates that simply uses a distibution system that creates a great deal of turnover. The odds of becoming a career agent are probably less than other carriers.

My last rebuttal:
Well, I was with Primerica (former) and it's no big deal, what should I have said, back in the day? I used to be? I haven't read all the threads... I was simply correcting that statement. You don't receive any money for signing a person up. I am bashing any haters, just simply wanted to have the person who posted the thread in the first place get the right information-not for the repliers. Some of the replies in this thread don't even reply to the post and just plan to attack.

To the poster:
For the record, you don't get payed for signing up people.
Look at a State Farm Agent recommended business plan and a recommended Primerica RVP business plan (the level at owning your own office) do yourself the favor and compare. Or should I save you the trouble and tell you they are exactly the same.
I am not a hater of any company or anything until I know facts. Primerica is just another company out there that works like the rest of them. The only difference is that you are your own boss and like anything else, you only get out of it what you want out of it. You wake up in the morning knowing you have to work your ass off to get paid and at the end of the day you're not worried about your boss firing you or laying you off. Also, something to consider for any company is the ratio of how many top paying agents there to not. What are your chances of making it big? Again, with the system already in place, how much would you be willing to put into it/yourself in order to make it (of your definition of) BIG?
I hope this helps.
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I answered an ad on Craig's List about an opportunity with Citibank...so I figured, what the hell, I'll go meet with them. Turns out it was the douchebags from Primerica. Kind of felt like I'd been Amway'd since they never mentioned the P-word until 10 minutes into the meeting.

Needless to say, I didn't call them back and they never got back to me. Idiots...
That is an *** who lures people in like that. It's so lame.
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Back in their hayday agents actually did get paid to recruit...and here's why.

What is the number first thing on the list of things to do as a newbie agent to be...drumroll please...buy a policy on yourself...gotta own what you sell right?

Well who you gonna buy it from? Yourself? Nope...you're not licensed yet newbie...you'll buy it from me...and then when you recruit your three you'll get to write their policies.

Now...I'm not saying that all Primerica agents operate this way, I'm just saying that most do.

That is one very big difference between how they operate and how a traditional agency operates. Every recruit is also a client but every client is not also a recruit...so get out there and recruit, recruit, recruit, rah, rah, rah, blah, blah, blah.

Ok, I'm done.
My last rebuttal:
Well, I was with Primerica (former) and it's no big deal, what should I have said, back in the day? I used to be? I haven't read all the threads... I was simply correcting that statement. You don't receive any money for signing a person up. I am bashing any haters, just simply wanted to have the person who posted the thread in the first place get the right information-not for the repliers. Some of the replies in this thread don't even reply to the post and just plan to attack.

To the poster:
For the record, you don't get payed for signing up people.
Look at a State Farm Agent recommended business plan and a recommended Primerica RVP business plan (the level at owning your own office) do yourself the favor and compare. Or should I save you the trouble and tell you they are exactly the same.
I am not a hater of any company or anything until I know facts. Primerica is just another company out there that works like the rest of them. The only difference is that you are your own boss and like anything else, you only get out of it what you want out of it. You wake up in the morning knowing you have to work your ass off to get paid and at the end of the day you're not worried about your boss firing you or laying you off. Also, something to consider for any company is the ratio of how many top paying agents there to not. What are your chances of making it big? Again, with the system already in place, how much would you be willing to put into it/yourself in order to make it (of your definition of) BIG?
I hope this helps.
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That is an *** who lures people in like that. It's so lame.

How long ago did you leave them?? It looks to me like you still have some Kool Aid in your system...
Primerica has, for the most part, a bunch of part-time amateur agents running around selling a little bit of insurance.

Choosing to work with them would not be a great career decision.

But they have sold more in face value then any one insurance company in the USA not bad for a part time gig I would say.:D
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I answered an ad on Craig's List about an opportunity with Citibank...so I figured, what the hell, I'll go meet with them. Turns out it was the douchebags from Primerica. Kind of felt like I'd been Amway'd since they never mentioned the P-word until 10 minutes into the meeting.

Needless to say, I didn't call them back and they never got back to me. Idiots...

Thats your loss:cool:
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But they have sold more in face value then any one insurance company in the USA not bad for a part time gig I would say.:D
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Thats your loss:cool:
There is nothing to debate on. Someone likes Primerica model and someone don't. Rep. and Dem. each has its own way of getting things done, for better or for worse. So let the Primerica run its course.
But they have sold more in face value then any one insurance company in the USA not bad for a part time gig I would say.:D

You're missing the point. No one said Primerica didn't sell insurance. You'll find most posts on this forum focus on how things affect the agent, since it's a board of primarily agents. Primerica, NAA, etc. are good for those companies, their owners, their board of directors. It does not mean they are in any way shape or form a place an agent should hang his/her hat.

This is not up for debate, it's a fact which is not disputed within any insurance circles.
You're missing the point. No one said Primerica didn't sell insurance. You'll find most posts on this forum focus on how things affect the agent, since it's a board of primarily agents. Primerica, NAA, etc. are good for those companies, their owners, their board of directors. It does not mean they are in any way shape or form a place an agent should hang his/her hat.

This is not up for debate, it's a fact which is not disputed within any insurance circles.
You can debate for years but mlm will be exist for years to come. I just received an email from a Primerica agent and he said he was a proud Primerica agent. I do not like Primerica. But it is his choice to stay in Primerica. Any organization has its limitation. Actually there is no difference between traditional insurance agency or mlm organization with the exception of how the profit was distributed. I see the greediness both mlm owners and regular agency owners, maybe the only difference is the degree of greediness.
You can debate for years but mlm will be exist for years to come. I just received an email from a Primerica agent and he said he was a proud Primerica agent. I do not like Primerica. But it is his choice to stay in Primerica. Any organization has its limitation. Actually there is no difference between traditional insurance agency or mlm organization with the exception of how the profit was distributed. I see the greediness both mlm owners and regular agency owners, maybe the only difference is the degree of greediness.

Its a shame all that face value they tout ends up just getting replaced.

Thanks for the gumball mickey!:laugh: