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Radius | Online Book of Business Management is Live!

Well well well, it is finally here, Multi Product for Leads & Clients has made it’s way into Millions of Households across America (and the Universe). It has been a few years since Radius Lead Management & CRM has launched and this is the feature is waaaayyy overdue. What took us so long you ask? We don’t know, while this was one of our most requested features that either stopped Agents & Agencies from Joining, in the end, it keep a ton of them from joining. We all know that each Agency uses Radius in their own unique way (talk about customization), but this feature was always at the top of the list, just being overshadowed by others. Either way, it is here now.
We did a series of three blog posts on the build out for Multi Product (First Post: Multi Product Build Out, Second Post: Multi Product Build Out: Update, Third Post: Multi Product Build Out: Released) , but won’t be our last. We are rolling Multi Product out, but we are looking at this as Version 1.0 with Version 2.0 to be a few weeks down the road after Agent feedback. We know there is room to expand, but we don’t want to go down the path of putting more features into that aren’t required. Heck, it may even just stay the way it is now, but we think there are a few things we can add to it. This has been a fun experience to track and write about on the blog, which we’ll start doing more often when it comes to Radius.
Also for those of you keeping score at home, we are sticking very close to our road map we laid out earlier this year with New Year, New Features:
Client Summary Page – Done
Tab Browsing – Done
Lead Vendor Integration – 20+ Vendors and Counting
Multi Products – Done
Custom Reports – In the On Deck Circle
Dialer Integration – COMING VERY SOON, but with a twist!

Wow, the Radius Team is working fast and furious, Vin Diesel style. Less then two weeks ago we asked users for their opinions on what features to focus on next and they gave us great insight and feedback to get started on. Now just days later, we are happy to introduce our first feature on the list.

Email a Single Lead or Client

Now from the Lead or Client View page you can click on the ‘Email Lead’ or ‘Email Client’ Button to launch this feature which allows for the:
Select an Existing Template (or Note)
Subject Line
From Name
From Email Address
Bcc Yourself
Not only can you send emails, but also Radius will add a note that contains the contents of your email for future reference.

Jump into your Account to Check it Out or Sign Up Now

Now Radius can Send Emails to All Your Leads, just a few of your leads or one specific lead.

This New Feature quickly followed up the Custom Reports Feature we launched three weeks ago (New Feature:Build Custom Reports). We keep putting out New Features and Prices Keep staying the same. Price is what you pay, value is what you get and Agents using Radius are getting even more value now then when they signed up at no additional cost.

A Post from our Blog on our latest feature: Automatic Lead Routing Rules

We last left you at Automatic Lead Distribution Build: Part 1 and today in Automatic Lead Distribution Build: Part 2

Officially we are using the term Lead Routing Rules which is very specific to what the feature does, it routes the lead to the right agent based upon the rules set up. Looking back at our Part 1 Post, we didn’t land to far away from where we started, basically we change more visually then we did technically. The User Interface is very clean and simply, just two clicks to start or edit a Lead Routing Rule for the Agency Admin. Adding in the simple ability to Drag and Drop, Sort and Click makes creating lead routing rules very easy. Along with a bit of guidance from the Help Desk, setting up Lead Routing Rules is very easy.

As we went through the build and testing of the Lead Routing Rule Feature we were surprised by a few ideas that popped up that were an added advantage to an Agency whom uses Radius and uses the Lead Routing Rules Feature. Look at these unique examples of how an Agency can use Lead Routing Rules:

Life Insurance Agency

For a Life Insurance agency that has multi agents/users within there account may want to distribute leads equally to all agents from a specific lead source. At the same the may want their Senior Agents working leads that are coming from another source, so the can build a specific rule around that. Finally the may have one agent that is their go to agent for Final Expense, so that can build a Lead Routing Rule around that. This is how an agency can specifically target leads to a specific agent or group of agents.

Field Marketing Organization

An FMO may have both Agencies and Agents throughout the country whom are writing business for the FMO in specific geographic locations. An agency in their downline in Ohio needs leads specific to Ohio, while another agency in Florida only needs leads specific to Florida. This problem is easily solved within Radius Lead Routing Rules feature with easy setup. The FMO can create rules based upon State. The FMO can even go a level deeper and build a rule for an agent within a specific agency to receive leads from a specific Zip Code.

Health & Life Agency

Some Agencies write multiple lines of business and have specific agents for those lines of business. For these Agencies, the new Lead Routing Rules can route leads by a specific coverage type to a specific group of agents or direct agent. Health leads are going to your Health Agents, Life leads are going to your Life Agents.

Route Leads By:

Coverage Type
Custom Form Field
Zip Code
All of these or Any Multiple Combination (i.e. Coverage Type + Tag + Zip Code)

Apply Rules on Leads Imported Via:

Manual Add (Select Auto Assign in Agent Dropdown)
Website (HTTP Post)
Lead Vendor
CSV Import

Overall we are very excited about this feature as it has and endless amount of possibilities but more importantly gives back Agency Owners and User time, for the fact that the automation once configured, is well, automatic. More importantly it gives back time which can be spent on writing new business or generating new leads.

P.S. There is a Logout Feature that came about as part of the Lead Routing Rules. Account Admins can decide if an Agent needs to be logged in or not to receive leads. If they need to be and forget to logout during lunch, the Account Admin can click ‘Logout’ under Users Tab to force a logout.

A few screen shots of the new feature
Purchase a Server License of Radius for your Agency

Today we are happy to launch a some what new, but existing product, Radius Customized. Actually it is just another option to get your hands on Radius for your insurance agency. After a number of requests, we have decided to offer a Server License of Radius which any agency can have and do what is best for their agency. Some agency owners don’t want to pay a monthly fee, their preference is to own a tangible asset, which they now can for a one time fee of $9,999 (yes, $10,000, but those nines seem so much more appealing then those zeros).

Why are we doing this?

The reality is that it is driven by customer demand, numerous questions and the ability to own, not lease. Some people like to purchase for the long term while others like the flexibility to opt out at any time without a large investment. No right or wrong approach, but we have an option for both now.

What do we get for $9,999?

First and foremost, a full version of Radius and all the features that are already included (Click Here to view the full feature list).

Included with each License:

Source Code
One Year of Hosting
Unlimited Agents
Unlimited Agent & User Trainings
Unlimited Support via Email, Live Chat, Knowledge Base & Toll Free Phone
Custom Module Development (20 Total Hours of Development)

Custom Built to Your Agency Needs:

Invoicing & Billing
Monthly Payment Processing
Carrier Downloads
Quote Engine Integration
Employer Group Management
Human Resources

Whom is this option best for?

We think Agencies that want this option fit into two buckets:

1) Has a business model that no current solution meets and wants Radius to customize it to their specific needs or has a developer in-house.

2) Has a number of agents / users and does the math to conclude that instead of Paying $384/Month (FMO Plan) forever, they can break even and save money after two years.

We think this opens the door for two types of agencies that will find Radius Customize perfect for them; Group Health and Property & Casualty Agencies. Group Health in the fact that building a custom module that would all for their Human Resource Managers manage their own benefits and P&C Agencies for Quote Engine and Carrier Download integration. Those two examples aside Radius Customize is great for any agency that wants to take their Lead Management & CRM Solution to the next level.

If you are interested in learning more or have questions, please give us a Call (888.593.2021) or Email (support @ radiusbob (.) com) or stop by Radius | Lead Management + CRM for Insurance Agents | Convert Leads. Manage Clients. Grow Revenue. and we’ll be happy to chat.
They no longer have the free version :(

It was good, will have to continue to build my business first now instead of using from the start :(
They no longer have the free version :(

It was good, will have to continue to build my business first now instead of using from the start :(


We ran the Free Plan for a full year and after digging into the results we didn't like what we saw from these three points:

1) We had to really strip out features for the Free Plan which meant agents were not getting to experience the true awesomeness of Radius. Limited this and Limited that makes for a bad first time experience.

2) Most Agents know within the first few times they log into Radius if they are going to continue forward to a paid subscription, so the 15 Day Free Trial which has all the features is a better user first time experience as compared to the Free Plan.

3) Usage and Conversions were lackluster. Those who jump into a 15 Day Free Trial (On any account) versus a Free Plan were more likely to use Radius on a daily basis as well as become a paid subscriber / user.

Our offer still stands for a discounted rate for those who were on a Free Plan and moved over to the Agent Plan.

Any questions let us know.
Any questions let us know.


There are a number of YIO users, me included, that need to move our records to a CRM that is being supported - namely yours.

Can you help migrate records over for us? I know they can be exported into a csv file but I wouldn't have a clue (no pun intented) in how to properly move them to your program.


There are a number of YIO users, me included, that need to move our records to a CRM that is being supported - namely yours.

Can you help migrate records over for us? I know they can be exported into a csv file but I wouldn't have a clue (no pun intented) in how to properly move them to your program.


We posted this link in another thread, but here it is again if existing YIO users are looking to export their data to another system: User Guide - Insurance Sales Contact Management Software

One thing to keep in mind is that YIO V5.0 does not allow for Notes/Comments to be exported from this method.

Internally we are working on an approach for those whom do move from YIO to Radius for a smoother transition. While have done a few one offs, with Radius we can define the Custom Form Fields by Coverage Type once an account is created which means that the default fields can match those of YIO for an easy import with an existing CSV.

Any questions let us know.

Another positive is that we just rebuilt Coverage Types and Custom Data Fields to put the power in the Users hands to define:

From Radius Blog (Off on a Tangent)
On Friday morning we will be launching a new feature mashed up with an enhanced feature. Over the past two years we have had a number of request for various Coverage Types, XYZ Coverage, ABC Coverage and while we built a feature on the Admin side to easily add them, we never gave the Agent the ability to do this. So in the dropdown for Coverage type you see a long list of coverage types which on Friday, you will be able to control.
At the same time, we liked the Custom Form Fields, but man between having to scroll for days to get to the one you needed, or trying to figure out the sorting of your form fields by coverage type hours were spent trying to do these two things.
Attached you’ll see a screen shot of the final product. Ideally we wanted this to be as user friendly as possible. Now Agents can define their coverage types and the order they are displayed in. Also you can now drag and drop your custom form fields to make it as easy as possible to sort. Plus by adding ‘Tabs’ we have reduced the amount of scroll you currently have to do on this page.​

New Feature: Agent Profile and Carrier Expansions which is a great step in the direction of a full blown Agency Management System which Radius is becoming with each passing day and new feature. We had to enhance the Agent Profile Section based upon a number of new features we are rolling out over the next few weeks, but the short story is now Your Profile is a Tab View (see image below).
Agent Profile Tabs Include:
  • Contact – Contact Information
  • Account – Login Credentials
  • Dropbox – Radius Email Dropbox Information
  • Agency – Commission & Renewal Structure
  • Carriers (New Feature) – This tab displays documents that have been uploaded from the Carrier Section (Settings) that are accessible to agents within your account for downloading. Materials might be Product Marketing Materials, Benefit Specific Materials, Carrier Contracts, etc. Think of it as an Carrier Document Storage. This is a great way for your agents to ‘stop asking’ you where XYZ Materials are for ACME Carrier.
  • Contracts (New Feature) – Now your agency can keep track of Agent Contracting within Radius. Define the specifics of an agent’s contracts within this module. Status, Contract Number, State(s), Contract and Certified Dates, Writing Numbers, Notes and Hard Copies of Contracts.
  • Errors & Omissions (New Feature) – Similar to Contracts, keep track of your agent’s errors & omissions certificates. Define Requirement, Effective & Expiration Date, Coverage Amount, Policy Number and Hard Copies.
  • Licenses (New Feature) – Similar to Errors & Omissions (see a theme here?), keep track of your agent’s license information. Define License Number, License Type, Effective Date, Renewal Date, State(s) and Hard Copies.
  • API Key – API Key Code for third party integration
  • Notifications – Email New Lead, Email Daily Tasks & Send SMS / Text Message Replices (Oops! Did we say that out loud in print? Can you send SMS & Text Messages from Radius. Very Soon you will be able to).

Carrier Expansion Includes:
  • Notes – Add notes to keep track of conversations with Carriers just like you do with Leads & Clients
  • Information – Define a Carrier Information
  • Contacts – Add Multiple Carrier Contacts
  • Documents – This is the coolest feature. From this tab you can upload documents that are viewable to agents (see above) as well as attached to Leads or Clients when they are assigned a specific product. If you have Product Benefit Information that you would like to reference when viewing this lead or client, then add it here. This saves time from having to upload a document every time you create a new lead.


Overall these New Features will allow for an Agency to better manager their agents, track specific agent information as well as manage additional materials, files and documents within one place.
Radius now gives Insurance Agents and Agencies an additional powerful feature in marketing to and communicating with Leads & Clients, SMS & Text Messaging. From the Lead or Client View page, under Extend My Radius, Click the ‘Send Text’ button and up pops a window that allows Agents to write and send a Text.

Few Rules:
1 – There must be a viable Cell Number in the Lead or Clients Cell Phone Field.
2 – To actually receive the ‘Reply’ you must have the setting checked under ‘Your Profile > Notifications > Receive SMS Reply
3 – You must have your Cell Phone Number added to Your Profile to receive SMS / Text Reply’s.

Few Nice Features:
1 – As always, we like to keep notes and sending and receiving an SMS / Text Message is no different. When you send or receive an SMS / Text Radius date and time stamps it as a note.
2 – While the number displayed is a Radius Phone Number, all SMS / Texts sent start with, Msg from Your Name Here: Actually Message.
3 – When the Lead or Client Respond to your SMS / Text Message, it goes directly to your Cell Phone with, Msg from Lead or Client Name Here: Actually Message.

Few Comments:
1 – Yes, SMS / Text Messaging is included in the Subscription Price, No Extra Fees.
2 – No, there is no limit on the number of SMS / Text Messages you can send.
3 – No, We won’t have a Mass SMS / Text Messaging feature. There are too many regulations around this approach, plus it just seems shady.
Overall we are sort of excited about the Text Messaging Feature as it brings Radius into a level that really helps Agents and Agencies market to the Leads and stay in contact with their Clients. If an agent can write one more policy or renew one more client by using this feature, then it has done its job.


Visit www.radiusbob.com for more insight into how Radius can help Agents and Agencies manager their Leads, Clients, Marketing, Commissions and more...