Rebuild Cost Estimator


New Member
I am looking for a rebuild cost estimator that works well with a rater. My current rater is Power Quote. I have always used the carrier built in raters, but that requires me to go to each carriers site and input the info by hand.

I want to use the rater, but it requires me to put in a replacement cost before it will run.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

Thank you,
I've come to the point where I can just look at the house & know roughly what it will be. In my market for frame homes $130/sq ft is pretty close (adding in extra square footage for built in garages if need by.) Brick homes & ranchers I'll use more like $150/sq ft. But again I know my market so inside/out that I can glance at the home online & know where it's going to be for quoting purposes.
I'd think most of us are using something backed by Marshall & Swift. Since it's commonly used in the building industry, I always feel comfortable with its figure. As stated here though, there's no replacement for understanding your market.
get rid of powerquote and agree with 1822, you should be able to look at a house and come up with a number on your own...

om second thought, why are you doing multiple CE's? just do one, and use it til you pick which carrier you are going with