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Referral Fee and MAPD ?

How do you handle holding off payment for MA and PDP until after the 90-day rapid disenrollment period?

Have a FA who says he's going to throw some business my way. There are others he could give the business to but they offer annuities, securities, etc like he does so that's why he contacted me.

I don’t worry about it. If it’s a person who gives you repeat biz, you absolutely can’t worry about it. I get my fair share of referrals and haven’t been burned yet, but I’m sure it’ll happen at some point.
we gladly pay 100 per mapd lead that we write. I would wait for your payment in Jan and then pay out. Our agency pays out commission and referrals twice a year so we can see th money come in 1st.
It was in AHIP this year and it wasn't very clear, but it did appear that for 2020 the rules have loosened up. I asked a big carrier rep if they knew anything about it but they said it had to be a licensed broker certifed with the plan, and the plan paid it out like a commission. Based on AHIP training that doesn't seem accurate. I would love to know if anybody out there actually knows the true specifics for 2020. I'm pretty sure the line is drawn so that you can't pay a Medicare beneficiary who's your client, but I'm also pretty sure it doesn't have to be a MAPD carrier certifed agent either.