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Reform Legislation

Wow. I didn't know Nancy had it "in" her. Seems like it took Hilary a whole lotta longer than 2 1/2 months to get things worked up to a frenzy and she was a whole lotta younger.

Maybe it's just not that difficult to give every American the same plan Congress has.
Pelosi wants a bill up by the end of July. However, she does not know what the plan is. And even though they don't know what the plan is they want to pass it via the reconciliation process to expedite the plan that they dont know about yet.

Change you can believe in.

Pelosi: House taking up health care before recess

I see they want to remove at least some of the tax break on employer covered health care...okay lets see how that works...lets start it off with Federal and and State workers...You know the biggest place for Unions these days...If Congress thinks its a good idea let do it on a limited basis for 5 years to see how it works out but instead of the private sector being the guinea pig lets use Governmental workers.
Wow. I didn't know Nancy had it "in" her. Seems like it took Hilary a whole lotta longer than 2 1/2 months to get things worked up to a frenzy and she was a whole lotta younger.

Maybe it's just not that difficult to give every American the same plan Congress has.

For the last couple days everyone has been acting surprised that Medicare is going broke and faster than predicted. Don't know what rock they have been living under. Anyway, you have Dennis Kucinich and some other members of the Roswell wing of the party who are recommending a "Medicare for All" type of plan.

Just for giggles, I wonder what the projected shortfall would be for Medicare if you added the Medicare for All plan on top of it. Scarry!
Anyway, you have Dennis Kucinich and some other members of the Roswell wing of the party who are recommending a "Medicare for All" type of plan.

He did such a great job bankrupting my city in the 1970's, I am sure he can do the same for the country.

A lot of the numbers floating around are PURE GARBAGE.

Some of the "running out of money" has to do with justifying raising social security taxes on the rich. How dare someone only pay social security on the first $100,000 ish of their money? Shame on them... LOL.
He did such a great job bankrupting my city in the 1970's, I am sure he can do the same for the country.

A lot of the numbers floating around are PURE GARBAGE.

Some of the "running out of money" has to do with justifying raising social security taxes on the rich. How dare someone only pay social security on the first $100,000 ish of their money? Shame on them... LOL.

And as soon as they do that...the next thing will be means testing the payouts....Hello Mr planned for retirement we project that your own personal savings are sufficient and that you do not need social security so we are going to reallocate it to someone more needy.
The battle is going to be in the Senate. The house is controlled by the libs.
The battle is going to be in the Senate. The house is controlled by the libs.

Depends on how soon the overall spendulus/porkulus atmosphere blows up based on tea partying, reality setting in etc. Those same lib congressmen are up for re-election almost all the time. They are running for office continuously, unlike President Tunklehead and the Senate.
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And as soon as they do that...the next thing will be means testing the payouts....Hello Mr planned for retirement we project that your own personal savings are sufficient and that you do not need social security so we are going to reallocate it to someone more needy.

Indeed I can see that happening. Of course when retirement age for Social Security is set out at age 76 it might not matter as much. Possibly there will be a provision allowing for more a larger montly benefit if you do not start collecting until age 80.

Other great ideas that the rocket surgeons are working on: A proposal to move Medicare enrollment eligibility age out a couple years. Wouldn't that just shift costs over to the freebie/subsidized under 65 plan in the works? They might want to work the calculator a little on that one if you accept the idea that it all comes out of the taxpayers pocket.
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reconciliation process is not valid until after oct 15
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How so and do you have a citation on that? Also, what practical difference would it make. They certainly are not going to be ready for a vote by Oct 15 anyway.