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Revolution FMO

No, this forum seems to consist of about six people who actually sell insurance posting to keep up with one another and frequently meander off-topic and a bizarro named "lost dollar" who isn't in the business but chimes in to validate himself. It is a pittance of what it was about five years ago and quite frankly an effin waste. I was hoping to get some feedback on dinner sem marketers ,but as you can see NADA. This implies that people who actually produce in this market and manner do not participate in the"forum".
No, this forum seems to consist of about six people who actually sell insurance posting to keep up with one another and frequently meander off-topic and a bizarro named "lost dollar" who isn't in the business but chimes in to validate himself. It is a pittance of what it was about five years ago and quite frankly an effin waste. I was hoping to get some feedback on dinner sem marketers ,but as you can see NADA. This implies that people who actually produce in this market and manner do not participate in the"forum".

My bad, sorry I didn't respond. Been busy cashing my residual checks.

I have had lots of dinner seminar success.. I am selective on who I invite, limit it to less that 43 people ideally. Follow up with a one on one consultation for $100 to make sure they are committed
My friend ran them in fla for about 18 months were the fmo paid 1/2 . In fla 90% are senior “ plate lickers” looking for a free meal . He had limited success overall . Allen Trent who pays $100 for a free seminar they’ve gone too ?
My friend ran them in fla for about 18 months were the fmo paid 1/2 . In fla 90% are senior “ plate lickers” looking for a free meal . He had limited success overall . Allen Trent who pays $100 for a free seminar they’ve gone too ?
if you deliver high quality content, are passionate about helping people & not freakishly ugly, they will put down the $100 to reserve a limited calendar spot on your calendar. It is fully refundable after one on one face to face meeting whether they purchase or not. See it more as a security deposit to make sure someone else doesn't get their spot on the Doctors calendar.
Are you with Revolution? If not what seminars are you using?
I do believe in Evolution. My seminars are self created, proprietary & ever evolving.

I have always been a bit possessive & cocky about my seminars because I believe in them so much. So much to the point that I believe my seminars bring all the seniors to the yard & their like it's better than theirs. damn right they are better than yours. I can teach you but I have to charge. I know seniors want it, it is the thing that makes me.
It is what the seniors go crazy for & lose their minds. My seminars bring all the seniors to the yard & they say damn right, his is better than yours.