Routing for Datalists

Gearing up for door knocking season!!!

Question for all the agents/brokers/advisors out there.

I want to input a data list and door knock streets in the area, between mailers, that have multiple addresses, but I can't seem to find any route optimization software or devices that I can input more than 30 addresses into. Good for weekly mailers, but I want to be able to just hit a button(s) and see who's nearest me that I can just go to.

Most require a resetting every week etc.

If anyone knows of any good products/software, let me know.

This forum has always been a great source of information and help so I appreciate any and all responses (except from Bob:D)
You've stumbled upon one of the hardest problems to solve with a computer. The traveling salesman problem still doesn't have a good solution that doesn't require brute force calculations.

I suspect what you want simply doesn't exist for consumers at this time. Keeping it to 30 probably makes it manageable for off the shelf software to solve.