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Rural Areas or Big Cities?

Many agents have mentioned that their persistency in the big city areas is not very stable. Is it because their clients are spending too much money prior to the draft day or are those policies being replaced by other agents due to more competition in big cities?

Well at the end of the day I only had one no-show out of five appointments. And I wrote five apps out of the four shows. So all in all I might be trying this ruralstuff out more often. :D
Dude, you could totally make that a rap song!:laugh:

I don't do well with the poorest of the poor no matter where they live. When they tell me they have no money I'm just thinking "I believe you!"

The sweet spot for FE for me is lower middle class and working poor. Occasionally a more affluent person too.

Had one this week that door knocked me (How sweet is THAT?) I was at the office but didn't even have the door unlocked (don't usually get too many unscheduled walk-ins). She was driving by, saw my sign, turning 65 needed Med Sup. Sold her that and from conversation it was obvious she had a very, very wealthy husband. But she pulled out a flyer from the credit union and couldn't understand if their life insurance offer was good or not. It wasn't.

Broke the rule that wealthy people don't need FE. Husband was very wealthy but obviously a 2nd marriage. She had kids that she definitely wanted to leave something to and she had good but not perfect health history. FE was the perfect solution even though she was not a target prospect of ANY FE agent.

Those are my favorites if I could just get more of them to bang on my door.


I'm with you on this. We have some baby ghettos. But I've been in ghettos in Indianapolis, Chicago, St. Louis and even Nashville and Louisville that are bad even in the daytime. I don't want any part of those.

That was an aberation. It didn't break the rule.
People that inhabit big cities live like ants,they live a neurotic life style and tend to have the "I'm not interested" response before you getto the door. They are already saying no before you hit the door. They have it rehearsed. Lots more window peekers too.

I like dirt roads in the country,the more potholes and the deeper the potholes,all the better. Limited or no cell service is good too. The people in the country are laid back,generally very friendly and enjoy the simple way of life. Huntin,fishin,going to church,and listeners of gospel music are my kind of folks.
People that inhabit big cities live like ants,they live a neurotic life style and tend to have the "I'm not interested" response before you getto the door. They are already saying no before you hit the door. They have it rehearsed. Lots more window peekers too.

I like dirt roads in the country,the more potholes and the deeper the potholes,all the better. Limited or no cell service is good too. The people in the country are laid back,generally very friendly and enjoy the simple way of life. Huntin,fishin,going to church,and listeners of gospel music are my kind of folks.

Don't know if you did that on purpose, but it fits nicely in this thread!:laugh:
Many agents have mentioned that their persistency in the big city areas is not very stable. Is it because their clients are spending too much money prior to the draft day or are those policies being replaced by other agents due to more competition in big cities?


It's because these people suffer from "Poverty Mentality."

It is a condition that cannot be cured, and one 2 hour appeal to civilized values like "responsibility" and "honor" will not change their life-long disposition.

Of course there are poor people in rural and small town areas, too, but many more are not serial moochers and societal parasites like in the city.

That's why I preferentially work them over urban environs.
It's because these people suffer from "Poverty Mentality."

It is a condition that cannot be cured, and one 2 hour appeal to civilized values like "responsibility" and "honor" will not change their life-long disposition.

Of course there are poor people in rural and small town areas, too, but many more are not serial moochers and societal parasites like in the city.

That's why I preferentially work them over urban environs.

Yeah, there are 3rd and 4th generation serial moochers and societal parasites out there. I've heard them complain because rich people don't do more to help poor people. It's the way they were raised...it's ingrained in them. It's all they know.
I know people say that but I don't get it. The projects are my people. I get more referrals in the projects and I don't any difference in persistency in the projects than I do for the rural areas.

Of course I'm working the same demographic in the woods as I am the hoods. You can't get more rural than I've been working this week. People getting their TV from antennas. No cell phones as there is no service there anyway. Wouldn't know what a computer was if you sat it on the porch. Half of them didn't have ac so we had to do business under the shade tree out front.

The kind of homes that most agents would just keep on driving by and throw the lead card away.

Those are my people. You can't tell me that those people will be more diligent in paying than the people living in the projects on the same income.

Now, if you can't relate to the people in those two extremes in the same manner then you will have problems.

Fortunately I'm at home in either place. The only difference is that I get more referrals in the black projects than in the white ones or the rural areas.

Always loved doing business under the shade or sitting by the flower gardens especially when they bring out the lemonade or southern sweet tea