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Salary vs. Commission

That's like asking, "Freedom or Slavery?" I have worked both salaried jobs and my current independent self-business. Are you kidding? I wouldn't trade this in for the world! lol.

People are brainwashed to be feudal serfs for corporations because they've been brainwashed and prepped for it since they emerged from the womb. Anything else feels "wrong" or too "uncomfortable."

Hell, some days I still wake up and feel like I'm playing hooky, or that there's somewhere I should be. People hear "100% commission," and their face looks like their dog just died. You're ALWAYS on commission.

People think a salaried job is "safe" and it's most definitely the OPPOSITE. You're not safe when some @sshole with an ego trip and narcissistic complex can roll over on the wrong side of the bed, come in to work, and end your salary and benefits....just like that.

I love being able to set my own monthly quota of "ZERO." :biggrin: I don't need constant new business, like business executives need you to produce, and all the pressure of quotas. If it comes...great. If it doesn't for a month...no biggie. Still getting residuals.

I'm not saying salaried jobs can't be beneficial for a while (especially when you're younger), but not for your entire life. NO WAY!

Sorry, but I (a grown man) have no interest in asking another grown adult if I can take a piss. I choose freedom. Give me liberty or give me death!!
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That's like asking, "Freedom or Slavery?" I have worked both salaried jobs and my current independent self-business. Are you kidding? I wouldn't trade this in for the world! lol.

People are brainwashed to be feudal serfs for corporations because they've been brainwashed and prepped for it since they emerged from the womb. Anything else feels "wrong" or too "uncomfortable." They hear "100% commission," and their face looks like their dog just died. You're ALWAYS on commission.

People think a salaried job is "safe" and it's most definitely the OPPOSITE. You're not safe when some @sshole with an ego trip and narcissistic complex can roll over on the wrong side of the bed, come in to work, and end your salary and benefits....just like that.

I love being able to set my own monthly quota of "ZERO." :biggrin: I don't need constant new business, like business executives need you to produce, and all the pressure of quotas. If it comes...great. If it doesn't for a month...no biggie. Still getting residuals.

I'm not saying salaried jobs can't be beneficial for a while (especially when you're younger), but not for your entire life. NO WAY!

Sorry, but I (a grown man) have no interest in asking another grown adult if I can take a piss. I choose freedom. Give me liberty or give me death!!

That. /\ /\ /\

I am just not a good employee.

Maybe that is why I am Independent. And have been the majority of my career. I do not have a boss or manager. I have people that may be above me on the food chain. Whether it be a direct Insurance company or a "upline" but they are in no way my managers. I am the boss, and I fire myself on a regular basis.
In the grand scheme of things sales history won't remember any given day good or bad best to just keep your peaks and valleys as close together as possible for emotional well being. Especially for new agents you don't get paid for the sales rather you get paid for the process; I do realize you can't cash a process. Find a routine and dedicate it to habit after you play any sales game long enough ratio's will appear that you can bank on, so in essence every attempt and every no is part of the process. Having spent most of my adult life W-2 with one large corporation I would now rather eat fecal matter than report to a boss. InsuranceGuy29 said in much better words what I was thinking already thanks.
That's like asking, "Freedom or Slavery?" I have worked both salaried jobs and my current independent self-business. Are you kidding? I wouldn't trade this in for the world! lol.

People are brainwashed to be feudal serfs for corporations because they've been brainwashed and prepped for it since they emerged from the womb. Anything else feels "wrong" or too "uncomfortable." They hear "100% commission," and their face looks like their dog just died. You're ALWAYS on commission.

People think a salaried job is "safe" and it's most definitely the OPPOSITE. You're not safe when some @sshole with an ego trip and narcissistic complex can roll over on the wrong side of the bed, come in to work, and end your salary and benefits....just like that.

I love being able to set my own monthly quota of "ZERO." :biggrin: I don't need constant new business, like business executives need you to produce, and all the pressure of quotas. If it comes...great. If it doesn't for a month...no biggie. Still getting residuals.

I'm not saying salaried jobs can't be beneficial for a while (especially when you're younger), but not for your entire life. NO WAY!

Sorry, but I (a grown man) have no interest in asking another grown adult if I can take a piss. I choose freedom. Give me liberty or give me death!!
Unfortunately, often in the corporate structure the person above you that you are having to ask for permission is not a "grown" adult :no:
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I think for some starting out a good place to learn is as a captured agent. I learned a great deal while with NYL education and work habits wise. But I also grew tired of the monthly "attaboy" or "why aren't you producing more?" from somebody I couldn't stand.

Even as a captive I knew this was my business to succeed or fail at. Attaboys faded when it was slow. Who spoke to you depended on your numbers. So I suggest starting cold as captured and when you learn enough and are tired of the A holes in the office, go to work for the A hole in the mirror.

I am in 30+ years now and 2/3rds working for the jackass in the mirror. Can't complain though, he always let me vacation when I wanted to and take any day off I wanted.

Most of us here wanted a say in our work lives. We are all a bunch of A holes, but our bosses understand us.
One thing to think about, too. This sounds funny, but I am 100% serious.

You could go off on your own, working for yourself and still find yourself working for an inconsistent, sadistic jackass that screws with your hours and squeezes you for more sales and doesn't keep his/her word.
If you are not on a salary you are doing it wrong. All your commissions should be paid into your business checking account. You pay your expenses out of that account. You pay yourself the same meager salary every week. Doesn’t matter if you had a great week or if you came up snake eyes. Same salary.

At the end of the quarter/or year you see what is left after all the bill are paid and pay yourself a huge bonus.

If that doesn’t work, you need to make some drastic changes.
If you are not on a salary you are doing it wrong. All your commissions should be paid into your business checking account. You pay your expenses out of that account. You pay yourself the same meager salary every week. Doesn’t matter if you had a great week or if you came up snake eyes. Same salary.

At the end of the quarter/or year you see what is left after all the bill are paid and pay yourself a huge bonus.

If that doesn’t work, you need to make some drastic changes.

Apparently I am doing it wrong. I could see how this could make sense for a new agent, though.