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Script of the Day... Tell Me what You Think!! Plz


New Member
SO I am new to the P&C world and would like in put on this script I came up with before I burn 100 leads using it. I know some of you will give some good feed back and all are sure welcome to use it if it works for you...

Hi ________ , this is Jonathan calling. This is kind of an awkward call…we haven’t actually spoken before…maybe if I took a brief second to explain why I called, you could decide whether we should continue or not, does that sound fair?
OK I will be real brief here, I just opened a new (company name) Insurances office here is my town USA and I am just calling to see what you like best about your current company or agent…
If there was something you could change about your insurance program what would you change?
Now I know that you weren't expecting my call today, so I want to be respectful of your time. I also know how uncomfortable it is when people try and sell you stuff, over the phone, and I promise, that is not my intent today. My approach is a little different. I like to provide 3 insurance options that outline what your coverage’s looks like today and then what your coverage and rate could look like.

Who are you with now? Do you typically pay that once a month or annually? What’s that run you? Wow is that for one or two cars?

Now from what you have said it sounds like I might be able to help you with______ All I am missing is your birth date and then I can see if I am even close to what you have now, if I am, then we can meet and go over everything to make sure you have to perfect coverage for your situation.
First, you're going to burn through 100 leads, no matter what you do. If you're not burning leads when you're first getting started, you'll never get started if that's what you're afraid of.

Second, it's very conversational and it will take time to go through it with each person. You should have a higher quality of calls... but you won't be dialing 100 each day. You may want to get a dialer, so you're spending your time with the right people.

This line needs a little work: "I like to provide 3 insurance options that outline what your coverage’s looks like today and then what your coverage and rate could look like."

I'd probably adjust it to something more like this: "I like to do a full insurance analysis. What that means, is that 1) I show you exactly what you have now. 2) I show you if your same coverage was with me, and the money you could save... and 3) I also show you how much coverage you could have with the same money you're spending already. This is provided at my expense as a way of introducing me and our services to the community. Either I can help, or I can't. It's simple and easy to follow and you'll be the judge on whether it would be a benefit to you or not."

Adjust it to what fits you, but you need to talk a little about the results they are supposed to expect and how they can benefit. I simply talked about lower rates/same coverage or same rate/higher coverage.

Never say 'free' or even 'complimentary'. There is always a cost to utilizing someone else's expertise... so it is provided at "my expense". It also has a subtle indication that you're going to take good care of them, when you're investing in something at your expense... versus "it's just free or complimentary".

Go ahead and burn through 100 leads and see what happens.
I am not trying to be insulting but I hate the script and do not think you will be very successful with it. To me it is too repetitive and too lengthy, and has nothing to grab the prospect and make him interested in talking to you.
I am not trying to be insulting but I hate the script and do not think you will be very successful with it. To me it is too repetitive and too lengthy, and has nothing to grab the prospect and make him interested in talking to you.

Nice insult!......................:yes:
Always hate the "apologetic" type openings.. If you are calling a business person, they are busy.. get to the point..
I 'assumed' (damn) that he was calling homes with such a soft opening. If it's his style, he just needs to do it.

You're completely right if you're calling on businesses. Be friendly, get to the point, and ask a few questions.
A while ago I put this together: Free Car Insurance Script |

In short, the most productive I've seen scripts work is if they're short and direct. "Hi, how are you today?"
"I'm glad/sorry to hear that, I'm calling you because..."

That's it. You're kinda asking for problems when there aren't necessarily any to begin with. I wouldn't introduce yourself or say where you're calling from. If they're remotely interested they'll ask.

"I'm calling you today because I'm helping people save hundreds of dollars on their car insurance; would you like to find out how much I can save you?"

You can also add the value hook of "I'm calling you because I'm helping people save hundreds of dollars on their car insurance and get the type of coverage that's right for them, would you like to find out how I can help you?"

It may seem subtle, but saying what you'd like to do for them and asking if you can help them is better than saying I'd like to give you a quote or I'd like to .....

Does that help?
A while ago I put this together: Free Car Insurance Script | In short, the most productive I've seen scripts work is if they're short and direct. "Hi, how are you today?" "I'm glad/sorry to hear that, I'm calling you because..." That's it. You're kinda asking for problems when there aren't necessarily any to begin with. I wouldn't introduce yourself or say where you're calling from. If they're remotely interested they'll ask. "I'm calling you today because I'm helping people save hundreds of dollars on their car insurance; would you like to find out how much I can save you?" You can also add the value hook of "I'm calling you because I'm helping people save hundreds of dollars on their car insurance and get the type of coverage that's right for them, would you like to find out how I can help you?" It may seem subtle, but saying what you'd like to do for them and asking if you can help them is better than saying I'd like to give you a quote or I'd like to ..... Does that help?

That would be a much better script although personally the "How are you today" would go.