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Script of the Day... Tell Me what You Think!! Plz

I 'assumed' (damn) that he was calling homes with such a soft opening. If it's his style, he just needs to do it.

You're completely right if you're calling on businesses. Be friendly, get to the point, and ask a few questions.

Perhaps he is.. but even if you are calling people at home, they are not normally waiting around for your call and you are an interruption.. Still need to get to the point..

When a call begins with soem type of apology, the automatic mental responses is , "If it is so awkward then why are you doing it"

I like Josh's approach much better.. quick, to the point, and does not ask for personal information.. who is your agent, company, price, etc. before you have the prospect involved in the conversation.. To ask about those things in the initial approach tends to get a "none of your business" response..
That would be a much better script although personally the "How are you today" would go.

It may sound disingenuous to some folks, more often than not it helps. No reason to not try it both ways.
To me it is too repetitive and too lengthy, and has nothing to grab the prospect and make him interested in talking to you.

I'll put you down as undecided.

Enough about you, back to Jonathon ............

I assume you are calling individuals for personal lines, not business for commercial lines.

This is kind of an awkward call…we haven’t actually spoken before…maybe if I took a brief second to explain why I called, you could decide whether we should continue or not, does that sound fair?

Nothing wrong with having a soft opening (although some will disagree) but it does take you too long to set the hook. I doubt this will be very effective.

OK I will be real brief here,

Not believable. You have already ticked off 10 seconds and haven't gotten to the point.

OK I will be real brief here, I just opened a new (company name) Insurances office here is my town USA

They don't care about you. Doesn't matter if you are new or have years of experience and a ton of awards.

They listen to radio station WIIFM

Now I know that you weren't expecting my call today, so I want to be respectful of your time. I also know how uncomfortable it is when people try and sell you stuff, over the phone, and I promise, that is not my intent today.

WAY too many apologies in this script. Have you ever asked a woman out on a date, or to go to the prom?

If you used this kind of line you either stayed home or went stag.

You need to ROMANCE your prospect if you want an appointment.
I'll put you down as undecided. Enough about you, back to Jonathon ............ I assume you are calling individuals for personal lines, not business for commercial lines. Nothing wrong with having a soft opening (although some will disagree) but it does take you too long to set the hook. I doubt this will be very effective. Not believable. You have already ticked off 10 seconds and haven't gotten to the point. They don't care about you. Doesn't matter if you are new or have years of experience and a ton of awards. They listen to radio station WIIFM WAY too many apologies in this script. Have you ever asked a woman out on a date, or to go to the prom? If you used this kind of line you either stayed home or went stag. You need to ROMANCE your prospect if you want an appointment.
Sonarco sums ups my problems with this script very well. This script would make you sound like a green amateur.
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alright everyone, let me have it....this is what ive used for cold calling homes during 7-9pm.

"Hi _______...its ________ from _________over in _________, did I catch you at a bad time?" (I go for no, no=yes to move fwd, I get maybe a 1% decline, mostly people say no, whats this about? permission for their time granted)

"well, Im not sure it would even apply to you, but I work with individuals and families, like yourself, who are .....(this is the hardest part of cold calling imo, you have two or three 'darts' to throw here and must hit a 'bullseye.')
(cross fingers/say prayer...)

- Frustrated with how little time they have left before retirement, and are worried about what happens if they haven't saved enough. Just the other week a couple I worked with had been saving for years, and I was able to come up with a plan that helped them retire earlier than they thought without any risks of a market downturn. The reason why they hadn't figured this out sooner was because their current plan was designed perfectly for making money in the market, but had no protection and no favorable way to start taking the money back out.

Not every plan is like that one, and im sure yours is safe, I just thought id double check...(going for no, never speak a word after this)

blah, blah, blah, my brother-in law, sister, husband etc does what you do (no they don't).

"I understand....naturally, youd want to get to know more about me,
and obviously, Id need more than a quick phone call to determine if we'd be a good fit,
typically, id have you come in to my office, or you invite me over, and we just get to know each other first, it would only take 30 min. at the end of that meeting we can go one of two ways, we either agree to move forward, or its not be a good fit/right time, and we part ways friends."
(This is where everyones, bullet-proof, carefully crafted, financial plan made by warren buffet himself, monitored night/day by a team of ivy-league mathmaticians at goldman sachs comes to light, shoot it down....it doesn't exist. but, this requires you to actually have value)

I usually end up in a situation where they agree to come by my office. those appointments never hold. so I don't twist arms to set appts. Its tuff. I fare better with business owners because they cant run and hide, but many don't qualify. the ones who do have the best gatekeepers....
Jan? Hi Jan, how are you doing today? (in the South its polite). Great or sorry to hear that.

Jan I just need a moment of your time. I am calling to see if you are happy with your current life insurance policy.

-Get response. Then attack, if they say yes ask then ask them the last time they had it reviewed for free.-

Why don't you have life insurance? -Money, health or just don't. We can win at money and just don't most of the time.-

-Rebuttal for each answer asking for the appointment-

Do you feel like you have enough because most people don't.

When is the last time you did a review on your policy? -Its usually years or never. This shows them a need.-

-Ask for the appointment. If you cannot get an appointment get a time for a phone review.-
alright everyone, let me have it....this is what ive used for cold calling homes during 7-9pm.

"Hi _______...its ________ from _________over in _________, did I catch you at a bad time?" (I go for no, no=yes to move fwd, I get maybe a 1% decline, mostly people say no, whats this about? permission for their time granted)

"well, Im not sure it would even apply to you, but I work with individuals and families, like yourself, who are .....(this is the hardest part of cold calling imo, you have two or three 'darts' to throw here and must hit a 'bullseye.')
(cross fingers/say prayer...)

- Frustrated with how little time they have left before retirement, and are worried about what happens if they haven't saved enough. Just the other week a couple I worked with had been saving for years, and I was able to come up with a plan that helped them retire earlier than they thought without any risks of a market downturn. The reason why they hadn't figured this out sooner was because their current plan was designed perfectly for making money in the market, but had no protection and no favorable way to start taking the money back out.

Not every plan is like that one, and im sure yours is safe, I just thought id double check...(going for no, never speak a word after this)

blah, blah, blah, my brother-in law, sister, husband etc does what you do (no they don't).

"I understand....naturally, youd want to get to know more about me,
and obviously, Id need more than a quick phone call to determine if we'd be a good fit,
typically, id have you come in to my office, or you invite me over, and we just get to know each other first, it would only take 30 min. at the end of that meeting we can go one of two ways, we either agree to move forward, or its not be a good fit/right time, and we part ways friends."
(This is where everyones, bullet-proof, carefully crafted, financial plan made by warren buffet himself, monitored night/day by a team of ivy-league mathmaticians at goldman sachs comes to light, shoot it down....it doesn't exist. but, this requires you to actually have value)

I usually end up in a situation where they agree to come by my office. those appointments never hold. so I don't twist arms to set appts. Its tuff. I fare better with business owners because they cant run and hide, but many don't qualify. the ones who do have the best gatekeepers....

Need more pain bullets. What are you calling for? Where is your post sell, that could be the reason for your no shows.
Need more pain bullets. What are you calling for? Where is your post sell, that could be the reason for your no shows.

From my experience, if youre using more than one pain, the prospect gets confused. Its too much, too soon. I sort my lists out by age, home value, and zip codes based on neighborhoods within a ten minute drive to my office.

Im calling to set an appointment with people who are in the mindset of "we need a plan for retirement" i keep it simple but vague enough to open a conversation about their specific pain...maybe they plan on buying more rental properties...working until they are 75...there are many things we can go over if i can get them to sit down and agree to a fact finding meeting.

I didnt get into my post sell because i wanted to get feedback on the intro, 30 sec, and pain...but it would go like give two options, and then ask if there is any reason aside from a family emergency that would keep you from making it at this time...they say no...i say r u sure, we can choose a different time, ill be blocking this hour...should i use a pen or just pencil it in...

Still im getting only a 1/4 kept approach meetings...past few weeks havent been that bad, but i got crushed in april.
From my experience, if youre using more than one pain, the prospect gets confused. Its too much, too soon. I sort my lists out by age, home value, and zip codes based on neighborhoods within a ten minute drive to my office.

Im calling to set an appointment with people who are in the mindset of "we need a plan for retirement" i keep it simple but vague enough to open a conversation about their specific pain...maybe they plan on buying more rental properties...working until they are 75...there are many things we can go over if i can get them to sit down and agree to a fact finding meeting.

I didnt get into my post sell because i wanted to get feedback on the intro, 30 sec, and pain...but it would go like give two options, and then ask if there is any reason aside from a family emergency that would keep you from making it at this time...they say no...i say r u sure, we can choose a different time, ill be blocking this hour...should i use a pen or just pencil it in...

Still im getting only a 1/4 kept approach meetings...past few weeks havent been that bad, but i got crushed in april.

I would throw taxes in there at the start. I always get a lot of reaction from taxes. I also think your hook question could be better, but in end if it's working for you I wouldn't change too much. Do you have a Sandler coach? This is where they are worth their weight in gold.
I would throw taxes in there at the start. I always get a lot of reaction from taxes. I also think your hook question could be better, but in end if it's working for you I wouldn't change too much. Do you have a Sandler coach? This is where they are worth their weight in gold.

I think youre right, taxes do grab attention...but i find that people start thinking im a tax preparer...maybe with all the people that do their own taxes i could say something like....i help families, like yours, that worried about how taxes could erode their retirement, and concerned about how they can defer more money away from uncle sam. Just the other day i helped a couple who wanted to know more about long term care and how the recent tax deductions could practically pay all their premiums. Thats probably not case for you, but i thoght id just double check.