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Secret Shopped By Insurance Companies

there's plenty of lawyers, acccountants, stockbrokers, politicians, etc in prison as well. You don't see any secret shopper thing going on in those industries, there are some really shady characters in every industry. I'm sorry I don't see an agent writing a health plan or a prescription drug plan waranting all this secret shopping, regulation, scope of appointment, etc. when you have, for example, a stockbroker take a seniors life savings and invest them into the highest commission products and losing a good chunk of their money

To the first part of the statement, ask any Real Estate or International litigation attorney how loosely regulated they are. The answer will astound you.

As to the trailing end of your comment, we take something more than money, we take their confidence, pride, assurance and dignity. If you don't realize that, well...

While I abhor overreaching government agencies as much as the next, I'm afraid CMS is doing what must be done. I just finished teaching a six week course, covering LTC and Medicare. While there were, at times, some light-hearted comments, for the most part, I was there to educate, alleviate fears, and keep them up-to-date.
To the first part of the statement, ask any Real Estate or International litigation attorney how loosely regulated they are. The answer will astound you.

As to the trailing end of your comment, we take something more than money, we take their confidence, pride, assurance and dignity. If you don't realize that, well...

While I abhor overreaching government agencies as much as the next, I'm afraid CMS is doing what must be done. I just finished teaching a six week course, covering LTC and Medicare. While there were, at times, some light-hearted comments, for the most part, I was there to educate, alleviate fears, and keep them up-to-date.

While some regulation is necessary to protect folks, and while I agree with you about real estate and attorneys, we have to ask ourselves, is a $27 commission worth the hassle? I bet those in Real Estate, and lawyers make more than that on a sale (although I do sympathize with those in the Real Estate market right now!).

Call me greedy, but some of this has to be about us too. I believe that insurance0707 has the best intentions and interest in her clients well being, and tries her best to place them in plans according to their needs. What we all have to ask ourselves is how much can you put up with? None of this is making any of us rich, no matter what the media and our elected leaders like to portray us as. In our office we are already trying to steer clear of MA plans, we don't recommend them initially to a new prospect, but we still sell them, with one hand tied behind our backs.

I don't agree with you that CMS is doing what must be done. They are overkill, and if they keep it up, they will drive the good agents out of the market. That, and added burdens like what Universal is doing...how does any of this help the client?
I was thinking about Senior Healthcare Consultants, Lexicon Healthcare Consultants or Apex (which ever one RJR are using to sell with right now)

Their whole sales pitch is to compare companies, show news clips about companies being fined, telling AARP members that their policy is not individual and could be withdrawn at any time.

Surely Great American who they do most of their sales with should do a secret shopper and isn't it strange that most of their business is replacement.

Mind you the testimonial pages of SHC have ben taken down and people like David Croom is reducing his visibility from SHC. Perhaps thats why Lexicon was set up with no names showing on their website so if the shoe was to fall because of their sales practices nobody can be identified except the agent?
ok...back to the orig conversation. So uh, how many here have called their local congressman and complained about this agency going amok with regs?
ok...back to the orig conversation. So uh, how many here have called their local congressman and complained about this agency going amok with regs?

What... and get shipped off to Gitmo? This is what the MA carriers wanted and this is what they will get. Eventually they will not have the indi agent to blame for their problems any more.

One by one the little carriers will get bought out, run out, or shut down till there are just the big three. History repeats itself!

Lay low and stay out of the cross fire!
A lot of agents are selling these ma's who never thought they would because it generates leads for other products or simply to increase their income.

Lately, many older seniors have contacted me to replace their MAPD plans once they got hit with hosp co-pays this year. Seems terror of the MOOP came home.
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Lately, many older seniors have contacted me to replace their MAPD plans once they got hit with hosp co-pays this year. Seems terror of the MOOP came home.

I've said it many times over the last several years. The only people I have talked to who are extremely happy with their MA plans are the ones who have never had to use it for anything major.

If they have they want out of it immediately and when I tell them that they are locked in until the first of the year they really become pissed. Every year I move more and more seniors from an MA plan to a Med Supp.

You are correct, MA plans are very good for my business. :yes:
We need to stick to the script. If the people are rude, I pack it up. You're there to educate them,not make jokes or hyperbole. Insurance is a serious business. There are plenty of agents in prison. The pool of clear thinking people is shrinking.

I was told by my regional MA guy the worst thing we can ever do is leave...
Been in insurance since 1983. IMO, get out of the MAPD, MA, MED SUPP, and PDP business and get a new life. That part of our world is over.
I feel that I have an obligation to educate my prospect and help them make an intelligent, well informed decision by explaining all of the different options that are available to them. I also have an obligation to myself to earn money in the process.

If I would strictly adhere to all of CMS's rules and regs I would be violating my obligation to both my prospect and me.

The whole system is specifically designed to prevent agents from doing what I think they are suppose to do and that is to help prospects. Since the e-mail stated agents can't "comparing other health plan(s) to XXXXXX", apparently CMS wants agents to pick a plan to sell and then simply become an order taker.

I see red every time I read crap like that. I didn't become an independent insurance agent to end up being CMS's butt boy and have to raise my hand every time I have to go to the bathroom. Nor will I "cram" a policy down someone's throat simply because "big brother" says I can't show them all of the options available.

I'm not a robot or an order taker. I'm a professional insurance agent who has a personality, sense of humor and a responsibility to help my prospects. If I could sell MA plans the same way I sell Med Supps I would be a lot more inclined to offer them.


You are MY kind of agent! AMEN>>>