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Selling on Web question?


If your selling on the web how do handle clients from different states. Do you get licensed in how many states? Not sure how all this works so would appreciate any info.
Only after you have sold everyone in your state should you begin to look beyond the borders.

Most agents have trouble selling folks over the phone & web. I have been in the industry for quite some time and it took me a while to hone my skills selling by phone & internet. This is not for the feint of heart or those without patience and deep pockets.
1) Fantastic phone skills
2) Absolute expert on your products
3) Know your competition inside and out
4) Previous sales knowledge - proven closing abilities
5) Incredible patience
6) Follow-up and organizational skills

Then maybe....maybe you can sell over the phone. If 100 agents attempt to simply sell over the phone 99 will fail. This is still a business where you sit down and meet with clients until you really have your stuff together.

If you're brand new to selling insurance and only want to sell over the phone have another job lined up.
You probably are - as are a few more talented people on this board. What we forget though, is you ARE the 1% and giving the same "just buy leads and sell from home" advice to other agents is like nailing their coffin shut.
You probably are - as are a few more talented people on this board. What we forget though, is you ARE the 1% and giving the same "just buy leads and sell from home" advice to other agents is like nailing their coffin shut.

I agree, people talk from their frame of reference and people hear from their frame of reference. Even if someone is the 1% the question is did they start off as the 1% or the 99%, my guess is we all started as the 99% so for the new guys perhaps they should get feedback based on that skill set and as they build their skill set they can advance and one day be the 1%. Just a thought.
What amazes me is most successful agents selling online now started in this industry face to face. They build their confidence level and skills to the point were they could do online sales easily.

Now the advice for newbies seems to be to just jump into selling online. Wrong. Sit down with your clients when you're new to work though the learning curve. Then when you have the confidence and skills go to online sales.

Brand new agent? Never sold insurance before? Going want just sell online? 99.99% chance of failure. Don't even bother. Most senior agents I know are lucky to put 2 deals together in the same week selling online.

I guess I'm going to fail because I'm going straight into sell by phone. I've closed home loans both face to face and on phone...