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Series 6 and 63


New Member
I've just recently signed with MetLife. I take my life test next week and then I'll start studying for my securities licenses. Any advice for these 2 tests would be great. How long should I plan on studying? Any good reviews? What helped you pass these tests?
www.Examfx.com , taking the test open book over and over and then closed book over and over until you know the acts and laws and dates.

I took the tests, 6, 63, & 65 back to back and passed. Most people discourage that, but it worked for me. I studied 4 days straight, 6 -8 hours a day and took the test the next morning.
I also took the tests back to back, no problem. I recommend it, gets it out of the way.

Despite what you hear, these tests aren't that hard. My studying consisted of downloading the audio book from audible.com, listening to it a few times, taking the test.

They gave one piece of advice which will get you through most questions. If in doubt, the answer is ALWAYS the one that protects the consumer the most. If you remember that, you'll pass without a problem.

I've just recently signed with MetLife. I take my life test next week and then I'll start studying for my securities licenses. Any advice for these 2 tests would be great. How long should I plan on studying? Any good reviews? What helped you pass these tests?

As others have said basic studying and these test are not that hard. However one thing to note back when I took these test the test did not tell you how many of the questions you had answered and how many remained...I know of one guy that thought he was running out of time and really blew it....so you might just want to make a check mark on the scrap paper they give you for each questions answered.
I would agree with the above posts. Take both of them back to back. The series 7 is another animal; I studied for a month for that one, and it was more difficult. I will not even talk about the 24, but if you are considering taking it; I would recommend being in the business for a few years first. Best of luck to you.
6 and 63 were not that tough. You need to get what? A 70? I took them about four years ago I guess and passed both on the first try. I was with Pru and they gave us booklets and CD ROMs with sample questions on them. It worked for me.
6 and 63 were not that tough. You need to get what? A 70? I took them about four years ago I guess and passed both on the first try. I was with Pru and they gave us booklets and CD ROMs with sample questions on them. It worked for me.

I have taken and passed the 6 & 63 on two separate occasions. The first time in 1989 they were both a piece of cake. The last time, in 2003,the 6 was still a piece if cake. I think I scored 92. The 63 was a different animal. I scored 75 which I thought was bad until I found out that my supervisor scored a 71 :yes:. The problem with the 63 was I didn't have very good study material and it asks a lot of stuff that for the life of me I can not imagine why anyone should have to know. My mode of study has always been just to just use a computer based quiz that lets me drill until I can score better than 80%. I have never ever cracked a book studying.

Exactly. You are studying for a test, so practice taking tests. Use the books to look up the answers until you know enough to pass the tests.

Their are a lot of rules and regulation type questions and you need to know the Securities Acts and dates, etc... Those of us who have taken it may make it sound easier than it is/was, so don't take the studying lightly, but...study for the test, not to become an expert.
I am currently with MoO and I am taking a study course for Series 6 & 63 on my own because I want to have my securities license to sell annuties and just to get ahead in the future ASAP, but I just found out that MoO will not let me take it beacuse I have to show them that I can produce within the first 3 months and then be considered as a carrear employee. I am doing this on my own, and I am not asking for any sponsors. Is this required by a company that you are appointed too? I am new to all this any feed back would be appreciatated.
I am currently with MoO and I am taking a study course for Series 6 & 63 on my own because I want to have my securities license to sell annuties and just to get ahead in the future ASAP, but I just found out that MoO will not let me take it beacuse I have to show them that I can produce within the first 3 months and then be considered as a carrear employee. I am doing this on my own, and I am not asking for any sponsors. Is this required by a company that you are appointed too? I am new to all this any feed back would be appreciatated.

To be able to take the Serier 6 you will need to be sponsored by a B/D.