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New Member
At the beginning of the COVID pandemic my practice was 'hitting seminars hot and heavy'. It was working very well. Within a week everything came to a halt-LOCKDOWN! I adjusted, immediately. Just the year before I was introduced to a marketing stratgey that would change the fortunes of my insurance and financial planning practice, forever. I became an Estate Planning Coordinator and began offering my clients 'attorney drafted documents that are state specific at a reduced price'. In other words, I gave people the power to have control over the choices available to them in their future....and they responded, BIG!

The paradigm-shift had begun; clients are now more apt to respond and engage to something in which they can't say 'I've got a guy for that' and is one-degree off from our industry. They just do not have a wall up when it comes to discussing Estate Planning and the end-result of estate planning often leads to all sorts of insurance and financial planning.

Within a month I had met with 6 in-force clients to conduct their annual reviews over Zoom and found that all but one of them either did not have their Estate Planning documents done (think: Will, Trust, Healthcare/Financial Power's of Attorney, Advance Directives/Living Will and if neccessary Legal Guardianship-including Special Needs children). If they had them completed in the past it had been many years ago and updates were much needed.

My initial thoughts were that with my existing book of clients I would be able to see people for a year or two while the pandemic sorted itself out. I was wrong. Within a month these client reviews turned into Estate Planning document clients. When the lockdown occurred I realized that I had blown my marketing budget on seminars. Thank goodness the barrier to entry for EPDocuments.com was low; $495/year or $49.95/mo to become a software licensee that covers all 50 states. Since I was not allowed to give legal advice or act in any capacity of an attorney I was able to get started immediately, introducing the very simple to use software to my clients, and their many many referrals. By the end of the second month of lockdown I had developed a list of more than 20 referrals, which kept growing with each client that I met with and grows every week to this day a year later.

It was nice getting paid for each Estate Planning package that was completed. However what really caught my attention in the first appointment was that each and every client brought with them to their first appointment a fully completed Assets & Liabiities page so that on appointment #2 before finishing the process of signing/notarizing the documents I could show the how to properly fund their Trust. I quickly realized that if I had properly and professionally assisted them in the whole process more often than not I would be given the opportunity to discuss with them their other concerns related to insurance/financial planning. That is exactly what happened.
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I'm not sure why it would need to be a smooth transition. I am offering to assist agents/advisors to be able to offer the attorney drafted documents in their practice. Smooth would probably apply to someone who is needing to 'sell' people on something. It helped grow our practice and it is doing the same with many others. It sounds like it is not significant to your pratctice though

Then read the rules regarding "offers."
I think this falls under 'education' unless you already take care of this important step for your clients...you may do that, you never specified. My goal is to teach agents/advisors how they can provide this service to their clients so that their folks don't end up in a situation like so many people did during COVID who were hospitalized without healthcare directives and healthcare POA's let alone a living trust

No, it doesn't fall under "education." Who do you think you're talking to? You know this is a forum of salesmen, right? It's not a group of idiots who can't tell when someone is trying to sell something.

"I'm just trying to educate people about how the product/software/service I'm trying to profit from would be so beneficial to them."

So you mean you are now practicing law...with an insurance license. Brilliant!!!! Wait don’t many annuity applications ask if the sale is in coordination with a trust or will to prevent this. This used to be a sales tactic 15 years ago that I suppose worked so well it created problems.

Totally get what you did, kudos to you. I know of some financial planners in some states that provide this type of service as a consulting fee, but there are a number of states, Florida being one of them, that can and will cause potential problems with what you are doing.

I understand that you are providing a service that is in serious need, but this may be construed as practicing law without a license. The state bar associations, especially in Florida, can and will take great exception to this and will pursue any avenue they can take to stop this practice. Florida is a "pro-attorney" state and anything that looks like law, smells like law, and sounds like law means that a person without legal experience should be ki-boshed from performing the work of an attorney. It also can be perceived that you have a conflict of interest because while you pass a "link" to a client, you receive PII information to talk with them about estate planning and filling his/her need with product (appropriate or not).

There is nothing wrong with schmoozing with attorneys and establishing a relationship for referrals, but directing them to an electronic site, I find it may be a bit tricky. One needs to appreciate that some of these people we interact with have a lot more going on in their life and it would be in their better interest to speak to a legal representative about their very specific and personal issues, not to mention if the client presents him/herself well and really doesn't have the capacity to be making decisions such as these without assistance.