Should Life Agents have a website?

A website is great IF people can actually find it. Everyone who said SEO is a must is 100% correct.

If you want to build relationships with your current customers try a blog. You can put one up for free (or close to it--better with your own domain name and hosting though).

Talk about what you do. Give them tips. Don't just pitch. Show them your a real agent and actually be real!

I work with a Social Media Marketing person that helps me and a big part of everything we do for the site and the blog comes down to SEO-

You can have the best content in the world but if no one finds it then you are out of luck!

Good luck and happy holidays to all!

Chris Miller :1cute:
The one stumbling block in trying to SEO an agent website is that for most relevant keywords ie: life insurance, life plans, life ins, the big boys have them tied down pretty effectively through a massive amount of backlinks. Another is trying to reach a regional market in this way. Unless you have licenses in many states it becomes a pointless effort.

There are a couple ways around this: Use the google adwords keywords tool to find relevant keywords that have lower volume traffic but are less tied down and then do a regional pay per click campaign if you are limited by territory.
My opinion is that having a website solidifies your background. Today's society immediately Googles just about everything now and if you do not have a website, I think lowers your credibility. I expect little lead generation from my site, but feel better knowing prospective clients can research me before we meet.