Silver script $63 a month in 2024 with $525 deductible. Best silver script $116 a month


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Well there’s the pop in part d premiums everyone has been talking about. Wasn’t that $7 a month?
The $63 plan is the choice plan. I don’t see any info listed about the smart plan. Maybe it’s gone?

edit: they say it’s available but they don’t give the premium.
The $63 plan is the choice plan. I don’t see any info listed about the smart plan. Maybe it’s gone?

edit: they say it’s available but they don’t give the premium.

Perhaps it is direct only . . . no agents. I think they did that in a few states for 2023
Perhaps it is direct only . . . no agents. I think they did that in a few states for 2023

I don’t think any states are commissionable in 2023 for the smart plan. You can’t write it.
It’s obviously the same for 2024 but they’re not even sharing the premium right now
S&S is the only place I've seen the premium listed for the Smart plan this year. It would be odd for any 2024 premiums to be released already, regardless of what the OP posted.
I saw $63.90 and near $116 on the 2 plans Other agents are talking about this . The $63.90 has the $525 or so deductible . That’s steep . It looks like carriers want more migration into mapd . Aetna pulled a fast one on many regular plans I saw . It appears on the service they improved their plans with lower specialist copays , more benefits . I started scanning more .They increased hospital copay days to 8-9 days on many plans . Inflation has hit everything and plans are being hit .