Socialism will Destroy our Business

I wasn't making a point against the evils of socialism just that the sky doesn't fall just becasue things change. Even in communist countries there are millionaires even though the majority suffer greatly.. ..I do take exception with the claim that socialism is always the gateway to communism.. Europe, including England has been socialist for years... None of those countries have slid into communism and, in fact,some may even be turning back more to a capitalist system..

I don't know. He was pretty clear that we are on our way to mass murders unless unintelligent, weak people that simply have no character, like you and me, get off the sidelines. He was very clear about that rousemark.
I wasn't making a point against the evils of socialism just that the sky doesn't fall just becasue things change. Even in communist countries there are millionaires even though the majority suffer greatly.. ..I do take exception with the claim that socialism is always the gateway to communism.. Europe, including England has been socialist for years... None of those countries have slid into communism and, in fact,some may even be turning back more to a capitalist system..

We are not disagreeing. And you are right that European socialism has not moved entirely into total socialism/communism. Hopefully those countries will not. It is also true some are trying to reverse course.
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You are foolish. There is only one socialism. It’s the one that ends in mass murder.

Mark, if you want to end this on a pleasant note. I am not saying that we are inevitably going to have mass murder. I was simply stating that countries that have gone 100% socialist, which is basically communism have all ended in catastrophe. Which also, included tens of millions of deaths. You're interpretation was not my intent.

You were pretty clear before, and now you are contradicting yourself.

But you also call yourself "Medicare Millionaire" and you live in a $1,000/month apartment, so there you go. Lot's of contradictions.
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I've seen people on both sides "bravely" refuse to let facts get in the way of their opinions.

They don't concern me so much as those who espouse peace, diversity, demand tolerance and acceptance, but then attempt to silence through coercion and bullying those who may disagree.

History is full of "young radicals" who rebelled against their system and set in motion a force of totalitarianism that trampled not only the freedoms but the very lives of those who they sought free.
No economic system is all good or all bad.

And let's not confuse an economic system with a political system.
For example, Cuba doesn't have a socialism economy. Cuba has a dictatorship political system, similar to North Korea. There really is no economic system. Much of it is state-controlled, but there are some private businesses (bars, etc.), etc.

I'm Hispanic (Cuban heritage) and people make this mistake all the time when talking about Cuba.
Venezuela is a politically unstable country, so we can't say that socialism is what is creating the problems there. A politically unstable country will always have major problems whether it's pure capitalism or pure socialism.
China doesn't have a socialism economy. It's capitalism with an enormous amount of state control. It's almost like a political dictatorship with a capitalist economy with the state being the main player. Their capitalism is very different from the capitalism in the USA.
The USSR (now Russia) wasn't socialism or communism. It was basically capitalism with state control, almost like a dictatorship.
Most people don't know what communism is, at least in the true Karl Marx sense of the word.

Real communism contains no money. It's a communal society in which there are no social classes and everyone does shared work. That has never existed in the world aside from small tribes.

If you have ever seen Star Trek; it's like that. That's probably where we are heading.
Socialism doesn't kill people. Politically unstable countries and dictatorships kill people.

Cuba, North Korea, etc. are dictatorships and have killed millions. The former USSR was like a dictatorship and many died. China is like a democratic dictatorship (one party system; leader can be in power for life, etc.) and many have died and are still dying.

However, England, the Nordic countries, etc. all have socialism parts to their economic system (universal healthcare, etc.) and nobody is dying as a result of their systems.
Capitalism has many problems too.

People don't die as a result of capitalism? People commit suicide because of financial problems. People suffer tremendously because of financial problems.

Humans are raping the earth because of capitalism.

Human trafficking and slavery exist because some evil people can make money from it.

No healthcare for all in the USA. The list goes on.

Profit ahead of people and the environment. That's the main problem with capitalism.
No system is all good or all bad. Every system has good parts and bad parts.

There is more than one way for an economic system to be. The same goes for a political system.

The political system in the USA is a joke. So is our economic system. Too many problems.
The USA doesn't just have a capitalist economic system. We have parts of socialism too.

Medicare itself is socialism. So is Social Security. So is anything funded by the government.
Political systems and economic system can be structured in many different ways.

Imagine if we took the best of all systems and created a hybrid system.
I agree with you. That is not socialism. It’s just a health plan. A tiny part of socialism, but not socialism. Same for Obamacare. Just a piece of socialism. Many agents made a fortune with that program.

Don't be so quick to give up the ship... often times the effects of such sweeping moves like this are not seen nor felt for years to come... with the money that's been thrown into the system we have been able to prop it up... what happens when the money runs out... when private investment disappears...

People look at these things as if when they die there will be no worry... what matters is where are we sliding?

Just a little over 200 years... we are still a young nation...

I often wondered if we could speak to the Minutemen on Lexington and Concord if they would envy us or pity us?
I think what Nick was saying is that the USA might get universal healthcare and if it does, then the Medicare business might go away.

If it does, then most people on this forum will have a major problem since they are heavily in the Medicare business.

And to be aware of this possibility and prepare for it.

I think that's what his main point was, aside from the socialism/capitalism points.

He can respond to clarify.
I think what Nick was saying is that the USA might get universal healthcare and if it does, then the Medicare business might go away.

If it does, then most people on this forum will have a major problem since they are heavily in the Medicare business.

And to be aware of this possibility and prepare for it.

I think that's what his main point was, aside from the socialism/capitalism points.

He can respond to clarify.

Oh, I know what his points were, and I agree with him 100%. I am terrified of the direction this country is going. Unfortunately what he is doing is alienating anyone who might agree with him by making ridiculous statements, by calling people weak and unintelligent, and rambling about mass murders. He is struggling to get his point across. This is the guy that wants to train people on an insurance sales system???
It's the economic system at all... it's about the people who run it.

Do yo really think that a dollar bill cares how it is used or misused?

As Jim Rhone would ask... "What's your philosophy?"

I see what you're saying. However, the system determines where some dollars go (through taxation and gov spending).

Socialism is really just capitalism with more taxation and social safety nets.

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