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Starting a New Agency?

Do not rule-out an insurance franchise in your State. The upfront cost may seem prohibitive at first but the benefits and advantages may prove to be cost-effective, depending on the program offerings and your particular needs. Many will do all of the processing for you and you can learn as you go.
If you decide to consider this as one of your options, check them out by determining existing franchisees and calling them, to discuss their experiences.
Do not rule-out an insurance franchise in your State. The upfront cost may seem prohibitive at first but the benefits and advantages may prove to be cost-effective, depending on the program offerings and your particular needs. Many will do all of the processing for you and you can learn as you go.
If you decide to consider this as one of your options, check them out by determining existing franchisees and calling them, to discuss their experiences.

Where would I go to find an insurance franchised?
Global Green, fiesta, they are last choice options
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maybe ISU, it is a cluster, a little on the high side, but others on the forum use them.
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I have nothing at all to gain here. No horse in the race. Just presenting another option. They wouldn't still be around after all these years if not obviously good for some agents. Depends on the situation. Some are much better than others. Due-diligence is always critical when making a decision of this nature but I have seen many satisfied franchisees.
Phil, what franchise are you part of. I looked into Global Green, but the 160 pages, put me to sleep. And the 10 year re-newal fee, is something like 25% of what the future,buyin fee is? That is not what scared me off. What happens if you decide not to re-new is what scared me away! They take your book of business and take over your lease!!!!!!! It is more like renting, than franchising.
Mack. I am not part of any franchise. Doing some free consulting since I am retired at end of 2012 and just trying to help some agents get started with some suggestions, based on my experiences. Since, as you know so much of the market access search and match game is State-specific, I am just giving ideas to the folks on the forums, to suggest that they explore all options.
Since 2005, most of my marketing work has been in Florida. (was in Maryland prior to FL.).
To address your inquiry, I know of several agents who are definitely happy with their Franchise relationships down here.

Not sure about Global Green but looks like you have provided a definite service by clearly pointing out that their contract should be carefully scrutinized, based on the prospective franchisee's situation.
That has always been my main point. Agents should not rush the search process and need to consider all options but by all means, read and understand the contract or have an experienced person do it for you, even if it costs some bucks. I have seen a lot of well-meaning agents get into contracts that are total mis-fits for their current situation and their possible future needs.

Thanks for your contributions.
Give me a call or send me an email if you would like to talk further.

Phil, what franchise are you part of. I looked into Global Green, but the 160 pages, put me to sleep. And the 10 year re-newal fee, is something like 25% of what the future,buyin fee is? That is not what scared me off. What happens if you decide not to re-new is what scared me away! They take your book of business and take over your lease!!!!!!! It is more like renting, than franchising.
Mike, If you haven't done so already, check-out www.agencyequity.com
On the left side of the home page, under the block ads is a listing of drop-down links. Go to 'Agency Resources Directory' then click-on 'Agency Clusters/Alliances', etc. and click-on California on the map. The owner is based in California and he is probably pretty current on options in your State. May provide some possibilities for you of networks/franchises, etc. that you haven't contacted yet. Hopefully you will find one or more willing to talk to you. Hope this helps you.


I hope you are having better luck than me. Finding a cluster willing to take on a new agent is becoming an obstacle for me at this moment.