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Stay Away from TSL Leads

Re: TSLead.com

WARNING - do not use Scott Nickason/Synergy Leads (located in Texas), the guy stole my money and hasn't provided the leads he agreed to.
Re: TSLead.com

I'm new to FE but have sold Life for years. Trying to find a good lead source company is frustrating and exhausting. I'm fairly skeptical about most companies out of Texas??
Nothing against that great state but I think 'anything goes' with many of the carriers out of that state. Still looking for good lead source too.
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Yes i would like to know of a reliable lead source for FE and Med
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Re: TSLead.com

I'm new to FE but have sold Life for years. Trying to find a good lead source company is frustrating and exhausting. I'm fairly skeptical about most companies out of Texas??
Nothing against that great state but I think 'anything goes' with many of the carriers out of that state. Still looking for good lead source too.
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Yes i would like to know of a reliable lead source for FE and Med

Regardless of what anyone says, there is not a "reliable" lead source. Ya pays your money and ya takes your chances.

Learn to prospect for Med Supps and cross sell FE. Much easier and a whole lot more profitable. Med Supp renewals are awesome, FE renewals virtually don't exist.

The FE agent has to sell every day just to maintain their current level of income. Med Supp agents have time to "play" on discussion forums. :D
Hi. I'm brand new here.
Never heard of that lead source. There are a slew of them, aren't there?
'Question is, how many -- and which ones -- can give you what you are looking for?
I am in VA's 'deep south' -- where everything is a long way from anything else. I am not in the least anxious to be driving 40-50-mile round trips to wear my knuckles out on an unanswered door where I supposedly had an appointment to explore FE insurance options. That means I have to essentially re-pre-qualify prospects who are -- as most are -- more than a 40-or-so minutes' drive (80 RT).
In this area, in this economy, I consider myself lucky to sign a $10K AP app. I work hard to earn relatively little -- but I love the business and have no intention of giving up on it.
Every app written -- I never use or think of the word 'sale' with a prospect/client -- represents another individual being moved, hopefully, toward getting something they know they need.
Right now, I'm trying to find a co that will write a $5-7.5K policy on a health (N/S) 92-yr-old female. 'Anybody got any suggestions?
The answer to your question is that none of them can give you what you're looking for. You're better off doing your own dialing or hiring your own telemarketers.