Stop the Madness ! Rename Medicare Advantage -



Private Medicare Replacement Plans

The name Medicare Advantage is vague AND misleading. Considering that CMS doesn't want agents to use superlatives such as " best or mo better " why do they label this program as " Advantage " That word has connotations and could be considered as steering beneficiaries into the program.

Now that the privatization of Medicare is in full swing we as agents will take the fall for overly confusing and convoluted program.The customer service departments at the MA carriers and 1-800-Medicare ( by the way they are vendors) is now the " would you like to file a complaint department" This is much less work for them.
Medicare itself is a pain in the rear.

Look at the 2007 vs. 2008 Medicare and You publications. Rather then have the same outline, they redo the book. Page 1 for the 2007 edition is now page 31 for 2008.

Private Medicare Replacement Plans are misleading as well, since they are still in Medicare. They may not be using it, but they still have it.

Call it a Medicare Sub-Contracted plan. The plans are essentially sub-contracted in to take care of all the benefits and claims (that is the best way I have found to get people to understand what they are).

No matter what you call it, there will always be agents out there screwing it up.
Medicare itself is a pain in the rear.

Look at the 2007 vs. 2008 Medicare and You publications. Rather then have the same outline, they redo the book. Page 1 for the 2007 edition is now page 31 for 2008.

Private Medicare Replacement Plans are misleading as well, since they are still in Medicare. They may not be using it, but they still have it.

Call it a Medicare Sub-Contracted plan. The plans are essentially sub-contracted in to take care of all the benefits and claims (that is the best way I have found to get people to understand what they are).

No matter what you call it, there will always be agents out there screwing it up.

I see your point.I think that just "Private Medicare Health Plans " would suffice but i think their needs to be something in name that indicates they won't be using their Medicare Card anymore. Maybe " Private Medicare Alternative Plans "

I understand how these plans work very well and thoroughly explain to my clients how it works compared to original Medicare. I even do a show and tell using their Medicare Cards, Medigap I.D Cards and PDP cards to illustrate that all these benefits will now be acessed using only their MAPD I.D card ( within the network and coordinated care rules and limitations)and damned if i don't still get phone calls from what appeared to be intelligent prospects saying - the receptionist at my doctor told me you stole my Medicare !
I take them to the section in the Medicare and You booklet and read it word for word for one page and then transition to the deductibles in the back of the booklet,then to the section on the avaiable MA plans. I explain that a suppliment is secondary after medicare pays and an MA pays the claims after the co-pays, because they are paid by medicare monthly. So the MA becomes the primary and pays as long as you use the network Doctors and get referrals from the primary doctor. Many times I still get clients who ask if they can go to their own doctors with their medicare card only if they want. Sure if you want to pay full price and have NO coverage.

Using the Medicare and You Book gives you credibility. This is the same book that they got from Medicare, most have looked through it, and they know that the information there is from Medicare themselves, not some insurance agent.
Stop the Medicare Advantage Marketing Madness Part two:

So that beneficiaries can feel comfortable that they are still in the Medicare program after they enroll in MA why doesn't CMS mandate that MA carriers I.D cards have a standardized Medicare Part C type of logo like they now are required to have the Medicare Rx logo on all MAPD i.d. cards.

I like using the term Medicare Part C much better than the mysterious Medicare Advantage label. It is much more official sounding since it's still one of the " Parts " of Medicare.